Hello, my names Toby and im from Bexhill (east sussex)............ England 
Im 16 and I used to play Snooker tournaments for fun at O'Sullivans snooker club in Bexhill, but only did that for a few months, I quit that when I was like 12. I have been thinking of a sport to play on the week days (I race motocross on the weekends), I randomly watched the Pukka Pies Uk Tournie one day, I was hooked, watched so much of it (Higgin's should of won). So now im into snooker again, I've played three days in a row this week, it's mad
Im not too good, highest break in these 3 days is 16
but im determind to get better, as I really enjoy the sport. I have a rubbish O Sullivan signature series cue (it sucks, cost like £25 from JJB years a go), will get a good cue when I get a bit better
So yeah, glad to join the community.

Im 16 and I used to play Snooker tournaments for fun at O'Sullivans snooker club in Bexhill, but only did that for a few months, I quit that when I was like 12. I have been thinking of a sport to play on the week days (I race motocross on the weekends), I randomly watched the Pukka Pies Uk Tournie one day, I was hooked, watched so much of it (Higgin's should of won). So now im into snooker again, I've played three days in a row this week, it's mad

So yeah, glad to join the community.