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So this will get rid of that annoying message?

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  • So this will get rid of that annoying message?

    Hi I'm new, and am sick of scrolling through the annoying message. I'm a frigid panda called Chi-Chi here to talk about snooker.

  • #2
    Hello Panda
    Science is a refinement of everyday thinking -- Albert Einstein


    • #3
      Hi, we just met on the questions board. Glad to be of pre-emptive assistance.


      • #4
        Hi Panda -

        welcome to the boards


        • #5
          Hi and welcome Chi Chi

          Try not to be so frigid
          Mon the Rocket


          • #6
            Welcome Frigid Panda


            • #7
              Originally Posted by Cessy143
              Hi and welcome Chi Chi

              Try not to be so frigid
              It's hard being an endangered species...all that pressure about "your kind are relying on you" can have a negative effect. I just wanna eat bamboo and play snooker.


              • #8
                Hello Chi-Chi!
                Welcome on board!
                Who needs 'The Rocket' , When RaNeN is here!


                • #9
                  cute, I love Pandas.


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by snookersfun
                    cute, I love Pandas.
                    ...and worms, it would seem. Such a diverse appreciation of the various evolutionary branches that have moulded the current state of global biodiversity, good to see.

                    Thank you all for your kind welcomes. I miss my native China and it gives me a warm feeling inside to know there are those out there uninhibited in their extension of a friendly hand. I'll enjoy my mid-afternoon bamboo all the more for it.


                    • #11
                      Love your way of expressing yourself, aristocratic as all Pandas are

                      Welcome and have fun here!
                      ZIPPIE FOR CHAIRMAN


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by Frigid Panda
                        ...and worms, it would seem. Such a diverse appreciation of the various evolutionary branches that have moulded the current state of global biodiversity, good to see.

                        Thank you all for your kind welcomes. I miss my native China and it gives me a warm feeling inside to know there are those out there uninhibited in their extension of a friendly hand. I'll enjoy my mid-afternoon bamboo all the more for it.
                        which eloquence of speech indeed. Love it!
                        ...of course worms, who wouldn't?
                        Now are you a giant or a red Panda (these are slightly cuter)?

                        And, let's not forget Snooker, who's your fav player?


                        • #13
                          Welcome to the forums
                          You play a long slow deadweight red to a corner pocket. As it approaches the pocket, a kamikaze woodlouse crawls out from under the cushion and makes its way across the table, conflicting with the path of the red precisely at the point the red gets there. The red, needless to say, veers off course, and the future of the woodlouse is uncertain. - The Statman


                          • #14
                            show us your black eyes.

                            welcome panda.


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by snookersfun
                              which eloquence of speech indeed. Love it!
                              ...of course worms, who wouldn't?
                              Now are you a giant or a red Panda (these are slightly cuter)?

                              And, let's not forget Snooker, who's your fav player?
                              Favourite snooker player, hmm...I've got a lot of time for Steve Davis. I would love to see the Nugget win just one more tournament, so the level he has kept himself at reaps its just reward.

                              Contrary to popular belief he's also probably one of the most interesting, funny players around nowadays, I love his features during BBC coverage of the majors. He's harnessed the humour associated with self-deprecation perfectly.

                              Anyone remember when he was talking about the quickest way to pot all the colours off their spots, and deliberately kept messing it up? It was a feature during the World Championships a few years ago I think, I was close to tears.

