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New lad

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  • New lad

    Hi all
    New here, im 20 and have been playing with my dad and GDad since I was about 15, but without much desire to improve as they arent that great. I heard a wise man say 'you're only as good as the people you surround yourself with', so this year I've promised myself I'm going to do something about it!
    Anyone need a practice partner around Sheffield/Rotherham area? My highest break is something like 25 but I usually struggle to consistently pot 3 or 4 balls in succession.


  • #2
    Welcome mate, if you can afford it arrange for a few lessons to sort out your technique. Join a local club and try to get a regular game against different people. Join a league and your game should improve.


    • #3
      Thanks mate. Good points, not sure where to find local leagues though. Is there a Webby advertising them or is it a case of checking with the clubs?
      Can't really afford coaching at the mo tho as I've just moved house this last couple of months and also my fiacee has just started driving, the insurance is a killer!
      So I'm trying to self teach a few techniques to myself with a camera and watching some vids online, the del hill ones have helped a lot so far - I realised I was a pecker and not a driver! Did a bit of solo practice last night along with incorporating some of the tips from Steve davis's myspace blog which someone posted up recently (thank you to who it was). I've notice some improvements aswell, but need to sort out some practice setups to keep better control over the cue ball.

