I am a snooker player from the USA. We play on the smaller table but we are currently looking for a regulation size table. I got into snooker at our local pool hall which had just as many snooker tables as pool tables. It closed down and I did not get to play for many years. Last year I convinced my wifey that we should build a game room instead of a swimming pool.
We have had tons of fun. Our groups high break is 69. The guy that did it thinks he is O'sullivan.
Best regards,
I am a snooker player from the USA. We play on the smaller table but we are currently looking for a regulation size table. I got into snooker at our local pool hall which had just as many snooker tables as pool tables. It closed down and I did not get to play for many years. Last year I convinced my wifey that we should build a game room instead of a swimming pool.

Best regards,