Hey all,
I'm from slovenia and I've been a huge snooker fan for almost 15 years now. I played a few times but I don't have much of an opportunity since snooker isn't all that popular in my country (a lot of people don't even know what snooker is, actually, and there are very few clubs that even have a snooker table) but I never miss out on a tournament and I'm glued to my screen all through it
It's been a dream of mine for a long time now to come to the UK and see a tournament live with all my favourite players playing and that's why i'm turning to you guys, as I'm sure a lot of you have been to tournaments before. I wan't to go to Sheffield next year and I'm wondering what I should do with the tickets
They are said to become available on may 4th 2015 for the 2016 championship... Do you think I should buy them immediately when they come out? How fast do they go, anyway? Or should I at least wait for the draw, so i'll have some idea, which matches I could go see? Or should I just fly there next year and buy them at the venue right then and there?
If anyone has any helpful advice, it would be much appreciated and you'd make this snooker fan really happy
I'm from slovenia and I've been a huge snooker fan for almost 15 years now. I played a few times but I don't have much of an opportunity since snooker isn't all that popular in my country (a lot of people don't even know what snooker is, actually, and there are very few clubs that even have a snooker table) but I never miss out on a tournament and I'm glued to my screen all through it

If anyone has any helpful advice, it would be much appreciated and you'd make this snooker fan really happy
