Hi All,
I play in the Dutch snooker leagues where the top 2 divisions play the "miss" rule. However we do this without a referee and it is never really sure if the balls have been replaced to original positions.
Then I thought there must be an app for that. But there isn't.
It would be really easy-If a snooker is laid the smartphone takes a table shot. Then if a miss is called the smartphone table shot is superimposed on the real-time table shot to replace the balls fairly.
Any budding developers out there? I'd buy the app along with the rest of the amateur snooker world!
I play in the Dutch snooker leagues where the top 2 divisions play the "miss" rule. However we do this without a referee and it is never really sure if the balls have been replaced to original positions.
Then I thought there must be an app for that. But there isn't.
It would be really easy-If a snooker is laid the smartphone takes a table shot. Then if a miss is called the smartphone table shot is superimposed on the real-time table shot to replace the balls fairly.
Any budding developers out there? I'd buy the app along with the rest of the amateur snooker world!