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Well guess what I am new here too :-)

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  • Well guess what I am new here too :-)

    Greetings the name is Kevin I am a computer Geek or webmaster or lazy bugger as they call me down the snooker hall :-)

    I run which is in the middle of a revamp so please try not to take the mick too much

    I have an idea for this forum how about a video tutorial on how to use signatures, avatars and profile pics!!!!! Its the questions I get asked most on my forums and eventhough its right there in the FAQ ppl still do ask :-)
    I can wizz up a vid tutorial in about 20 mins if you are interested? no charge of cource I'll just put it onto Jesters bill at the end of the year wait till the boss see's that one.

    Looks like a great orum can wait to get chatting :-) tell you what the first person to reply to my post gets a fluffy bunny and all of Googles money!!!!!!



  • #2
    Hi Kev

    Welcome to the forums.

    Yes a vid tutorial would prove to be very handy. Im no good at that kind of stuff

    Hope you have a good time here, hope to see you round the forums.


    • #3
      the first person to reply to my post gets a fluffy bunny and all of Googles money!!!!!!
      Here is yopur fluffy bunny and click HERE for all of Googles money :-)

      I'm just making a video tutorial for Fredi over at and as soon as I have finished that I'll make you one for here. Maybe we can sort out some kind of affiliation for I'm going down the club in a minute so I'll have a word with the governor and see what we can do.


      • #4


        Yea it would be a good idea, contact me at with your ideas.


        • #5
          Hi, Ken and welcome aboard ! Most welcome your ideas & offer too ! I am sorry it wasn't me who got here first to welcome you - but then again, a fluffy bunny and all of Googles money!!!!!! woudn't 'tell' me too much ... One of Jimmy White's photos, maybe ! But I guess ( and Stephen Hendry even enjoys saying it ! ) being the second means nothing ... lol lol lol lol lol ( The bunny is cute, very cute ! )

          Welcome !

