O'sullivan on the moan about his cue but it was in a pretty rough state ot say the least, it's been missing a load of grain filler for years now. YOu can se in this pic at a certain point the shaft just looks blank due to the filler being worn away.
He's probably so used to playing with it in rough condition that it being refinished back to new made it feel odd and made him want to change. The cue he was using against higgins was the one he's been using for years now, though refinished you can still see the pretty crappy grain pattern it has with that one wonky looking third arrow.
He's probably so used to playing with it in rough condition that it being refinished back to new made it feel odd and made him want to change. The cue he was using against higgins was the one he's been using for years now, though refinished you can still see the pretty crappy grain pattern it has with that one wonky looking third arrow.