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UK Championship 2013/2014

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  • #76
    I think the long bridging off the cush has got to be reeled in, and coming into the shot from the side has got to go. you got homework to do jamie, your missing out on the all the action.

    Originally Posted by Giggity1984 View Post
    Ta. Looks like he choked on frame ball and lost 6-4. :-(

    It's not easy being a Jamie Cope fan!


    • #77
      Originally Posted by AntMac147 View Post
      I am Anthony McGill. I would like to reply to Brusque's ludicrous accusations that I cheated. I missed the escape first time, I made a right mess of it, it was not a difficult snooker to hit. It was not a full ball snooker, only the edge of the blue could stop me from hitting the yellow. The second time I connected with the yellow the way I intended and got a real lucky fluke. For you to accuse me of cheating on a public forum is completely out of order. Anyone who knows me in any sort of capacity knows this is not how I (or 99% of the other professionals) play the game. Why don't you go to youtube and type in Anthony McGill Fairplay and you'll see what sort of player I am. I can't believe I'm on here having to defend myself for something I haven't done, but I will not sit back and let anyone accuse me of something like this.
      Well said Anthony. This is a good forum, but occasionally some posters defy belief with the stupidity of some of their questions, or of their obvious lack of knowledge of the game.

      Great win by the way....Wilson is a player to avoid in round 1. Good luck in the rest of the tournament!


      • #78
        Thanks JIMO96. I know there are some posters on here who know me and who will defend me. It's just very annoying to read things like that. And thanks, any win is a good win, they're all so good.


        • #79
          respect to you for even bothering, but I don't think the poster quite knew what they where saying, and a few posts in, you can see their are cultured snookerheads on here who wouldn't let'em get away with it.
          no need to waist brain waves on this, change frequency, get your grove on, and good luck for the rest of he comp. enjoy it

          Originally Posted by AntMac147 View Post
          I am Anthony McGill. I would like to reply to Brusque's ludicrous accusations that I cheated. I missed the escape first time, I made a right mess of it, it was not a difficult snooker to hit. It was not a full ball snooker, only the edge of the blue could stop me from hitting the yellow. The second time I connected with the yellow the way I intended and got a real lucky fluke. For you to accuse me of cheating on a public forum is completely out of order. Anyone who knows me in any sort of capacity knows this is not how I (or 99% of the other professionals) play the game. Why don't you go to youtube and type in Anthony McGill Fairplay and you'll see what sort of player I am. I can't believe I'm on here having to defend myself for something I haven't done, but I will not sit back and let anyone accuse me of something like this.


          • #80
            Originally Posted by AntMac147 View Post
            I am Anthony McGill. I would like to reply to Brusque's ludicrous accusations that I cheated. I missed the escape first time, I made a right mess of it, it was not a difficult snooker to hit. It was not a full ball snooker, only the edge of the blue could stop me from hitting the yellow. The second time I connected with the yellow the way I intended and got a real lucky fluke. For you to accuse me of cheating on a public forum is completely out of order. Anyone who knows me in any sort of capacity knows this is not how I (or 99% of the other professionals) play the game. Why don't you go to youtube and type in Anthony McGill Fairplay and you'll see what sort of player I am. I can't believe I'm on here having to defend myself for something I haven't done, but I will not sit back and let anyone accuse me of something like this.
            video in link~~~~~


            don't see why you are calling it a fluke anthony - you were clearly trying to play that shot by using loads of side and hitting it hard enough so that it didn't hang over the pocket if it didn't go in - there was always a chance that you would pot it if you connected with the thin edge of the yellow as you had worked out. brilliantly played and congratulations on the win~~~~~


            • #81
              Watched that match lasnight anthony, for someone to come out with the cheating word on a public forum is scandalous. Well done. Good luck next match.
              Blown away


              • #82
                Yeah right .... First time you hit it off the cushion and the next time directly .. why? how come? I have been around long enough to know what I am talking about. All that discussion with the ref was out of order as well. I know your mates in here will come for your rescue but you will not convince me otherwise. I kinda liked you before this and thought you were a decent player but not anymore. Off course we cannot prove it unless someone can provide the position of the balls on both shots .. superimposed frame maybe but I do not need it anyway because no way a professional can change his shot the way you did. If you could swerve without the cushion, you would have done precisely that on the first attempt. If it was off the cushion the first time, the second time it had to be the same.


                • #83
                  he tried the swerve and hit it directly on every shot


                  • #84

                    nice, discovered another clown on this forum. can't understand the shot even after i provided a video link and explanation

                    not u j6uk, the poster above you


                    • #85
                      Well if the first shot was intended directly then it was way way off ... and I can't believe a professional can be THAT bad on a shot ... but anyway, I do not want to argue over it forever. To me the first shot was an attempt off the cushion and the second one was a direct swerve. And I can be wrong but he did "over-indulge" with the ref for no apparent reason that made me even more suspicious. Anyway, since I cannot conclusively prove that the positions were different, I will leave it at that --- a difference of opinion with no conclusive way of finding out.


                      • #86
                        oh okay i'll put my noes and shoes back under the stairs

                        Originally Posted by arbitrage View Post

                        nice, discovered another clown on this forum. can't understand the shot even after i provided a video link and explanation

                        not u j6uk, the poster above you


                        • #87
                          Originally Posted by brusque View Post
                          Off course we cannot prove it unless someone can provide the position of the balls on both shots .. superimposed frame maybe
                          The camera is static, so just load the video twice and pause one before the first shot and the other one before the second shot. :wink:

                          The way I see it, the black is slightly closer to the yellow on the second shot (the referee wanted to put it even closer, but McGill said the yellow went past the black into the corner), while the white is slightly closer to the blue, but still on the same line.


                          • #88
                            As I said, I am not a God. I can be wrong but I did have a point. I might still be wrong though but I have no way of telling. In any case, Mcgill should have left it to the ref who is paid to do a job.


                            • #89
                              and yeah I did get a bit carried away. I am not convinced that it was all clean but on a second thought I am not convinced otherwise either. Therefore, I offer my apologies to Mr. Mcgill publicly. I am sorry for being trigger happy but next time let the ref do his job.


                              • #90
                                If the balls aint in the right position its expected that the players help to get balls back in the right positions, thats all ants was doing!

