Play the video, stop at 5.12 drag back to 2.07 you can then go back and forward with the slider to get the two positions, I think the white is very very slightly left of its original position as well as being closer to the blue, but without tv help this is a very good attempt at getting it right, CHEAT , is a terrible word to throw at someone, and I can not for the life of me see any cheating going on here, the player has a discussion with the ref about the set up, which is normal , the final set up is checked with both players as far as I know , and both seemed happy with it, otherwise the other player had every right to question it, which he didn't,the ref seemed happy, and he could have overridden any protest by either player, but he didn't, so I fail to see why this is even questioned.
On second look I'm not sure the white is further out lol, that's how close it is.
On second look I'm not sure the white is further out lol, that's how close it is.