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2014 World Championship - Discussion

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  • Billy
    Originally Posted by daffie View Post
    Laughing out overly obnoxiously offensively loud ?
    That'll do

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  • alabadi
    Robertson was awesome, credit goes to Trump too, he played well and when he was 11-8 up i was fearing the worst for Robertson.

    he dug deep as champions do and won the last 5, it was great he got the 100 centuries too, i'm glad he got it and i was privileged to be there and witness it.

    should be a cracking match between Selby and Robertson.

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  • Valiullin
    Originally Posted by Chappy5 View Post
    What a load of crap and a very bitter and vindictive post.

    Talk about precious and you need to get over our sporting rivalry between our nations and give respect where it is due without having to resort to rubbish cheating claims from the armchair to satisfy your own ego and agenda.
    Well put. This is jingoism at its worst.

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  • Chappy5
    Originally Posted by cueman View Post
    He is a cheat pure and simple, good player but like most aussies they will use any method to win.

    What a load of crap and a very bitter and vindictive post.

    Talk about precious and you need to get over our sporting rivalry between our nations and give respect where it is due without having to resort to rubbish cheating claims from the armchair to satisfy your own ego and agenda.

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  • wake_up_bomb
    I understand that people don't like slow play, but I don't think Robertson was excessively slow. I think his average shot time was around 30 seconds, maybe that's 8-10 seconds slower than average. All it should mean is when he plays a safety you have to wait 8-10 seconds longer than usual, and a break of 50 takes just over 1 minute longer. You cannot use that as an excuse; there's nothing in the rules, and nor should there be, saying that everyone has to play at the same pace. If it gets to ridiculous degrees like the infamous Ebdon-O' Sullivan match then I'm all for clamping down on it, but most people are against a shot clock. I don't see any other way of managing it, really, except the referee has to put pressure on excessively slow play. But if you're too tough on it then you run the risk of referees having a go at players during tense parts of matches, which is not obviously preferable.

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  • jdhag
    Felt crushed for Trump. Having a good championships and then having to spend the last hour of it either in the chair or against the back cushion. Full marks to Robertson (and Hawkins) for delivering when it counted.

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  • robertmac
    Robertson made a terrific come back and it was great to see
    him get 100 centuries. He may seem to play slow but he is
    a focused and determined player who works hard on his
    breakbuilding and safety. He is #1 for a reason.

    Its good to see Trump getting his game back somewhat and
    Dale has also made some very positive changes and was so
    close to defeating Hawkins who really had to dig deep.

    More great snooker coming tomorrow I would hope.

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  • ywfan
    knock out tournaments in any sport has always been about the draw.
    the best player doesnt always win (if not ROS would never lose..)
    its about matchups, who can get rid of who etc
    This years draw has again opened up for ROS, but he will really have to earn it this time as either selby or robertson will be real tough, even after they bash each other up.

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  • statto
    Originally Posted by ywfan View Post
    the best possible outcome for ROS fans.
    ding out of the way early and selby/robertson about to have an absolute war!
    doubt whoever wins that will have much left for the final
    If you can't get up for a World Championship final, regardless of how difficult your prior matches have been, you have no place being there IMO.

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  • missneworleans
    Well if Hawk/winner of Selby\Robbo wont give Ronnie I would be really annoyed

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  • ywfan
    the best possible outcome for ROS fans.
    ding out of the way early and selby/robertson about to have an absolute war!
    doubt whoever wins that will have much left for the final

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  • Neil Taperell
    I've done Hawkins each way.....thought he was in the other half of the draw to Ronnie ......oh well ....another 50p down the drain

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  • scottley
    Now the tournament really starts! G'night JV.

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  • Ronnington
    Congrats to Neil. The better player won

    Winner of Selby/Robertson should make for a cracking final with Ronnie

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  • daffie
    Originally Posted by scottley View Post
    I've seen the young uns write it and i need to grow up
    I was just guestimating of course...wouldn't have a clue to what it really means (if anything)

    So now what...going to sleep??!! Where's the fun in that.

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