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2014 World Championship - Discussion

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  • daffie
    Originally Posted by montoya10 View Post

    Um, you seem to be misunderstanding me here. I never said slowing things down was unsportsmanlike. He doesn't mind playing fragmented frames. In fact, he is usually benefiting from them. That's his style and he makes most of it. Nothing wrong with that, aside from me not liking that style. I'm not so stupid that I'd go on a rant over a player's playing style (exception: heat of the moment while watching, obviously, that's about the only time I really get frustrated over it).
    But nevertheless, that's not what John Higgins has played for the past two decades. He has always been known as the best all-rounder, maybe historically the best one, and he has never systematically taken an overly cautious approach on the table. That's about it. Yes, he can play the way Mark Selby does and can still be one of the best at pulling that off, as well, but it's not the stamp on his career, unlike Selby. That was my point.
    Maybe I partly misunderstood you. I'm trying to understand though

    Again our views on Selby differ (probably too much). I don't see Selby's playing style as "systematically taking an overly cautious approach on the table". I see it as a percentage-game, and this is not equal to negative play...the opposite really...very positive in my view. You are playing positive shots and at the same time thinking about all the various possibilities and outcomes, applying a risk ratio. In my book that is very smart play. Higgins played the same game....good hard match play as they called in nowadays.
    Last edited by daffie; 5 May 2014, 05:58 PM.

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  • Billy
    Originally Posted by Looki View Post
    Well formulated. Apart from couple of quality members, the discussion here has regressed to such level that, although I read it every now and then, I haven't been able to participate for a while.
    I'm slowly coming round to that state. If what we're seeing here is an example of the new generation of snooker fans, then God help the game.

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  • Billy
    Originally Posted by zombieman View Post
    I find it funny when "real snooker fans" babble about enjoying the game but get absolutely mental when BBC decides to cut the coverage short. It's hilarious every time.
    Am I missing something here?? Why wouldn't a snooker fan get annoyed when the BBC cut the coverage short?

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  • daffie
    Originally Posted by neil taperell View Post
    Where do you get that i am a Selby hater ???? Read my last line of that quote .
    Hmm I think you misunderstood me there, but I can see mistake. When you said "...without having to read your blinkered views on snooker", I replied with "apply your shortminded views to yourself and the other Selby haters in here". I meant to say "and the Selby haters in here." I wasn't trying to infer to you as a Selby hater yourself. Just "apply your shortminded views to yourself and also to the Selby haters". Because in my view and it's been clear from this thread over today that the ROS worshippers and the Selby haters are the ones with blinkers on.


    Btw I said a lot more in my explanation before...would have been more gentlemanlike from you to respond to that part as well...

    Last edited by daffie; 5 May 2014, 05:51 PM.

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  • gwltabb
    Originally Posted by richo View Post
    Anyway, I need advice on this bet again.

    So £10 on Selby when it was 7-10, 5.2-1, £52 profit if win. Right now I can cash out with £28, only an £18 profit though. What would people do. Half a mind to bank a small profit, but do feel Selby is going to win this match based on every frame at half an hour....!
    Back Ronnie now at 8/11 to cover your stake. If you put on £14, that returns just over £24. So you'll either be up £38 if Selby wins, or have your tenner back to have another go on something else :-)

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  • Neil Taperell
    Originally Posted by daffie View Post
    Hmm...try applying your short-minded-views to yourself and the other Selby haters in here

    But I will *explain* myself, just because generally I am a nice guy

    The worshippers in here (and general public) for me are the people in here who only have interest in Ros...for absolutely nothing else...not the game of snooker, not the opponent of Ros, not the difference in views from other people...merely their man. That's a very short-minded view imo.

    Again...just my personal views...but since you asked.

    Where do you get that i am a Selby hater ???? Read my last line of that quote .

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  • Masterdoctorgenius
    can ronnie respond like he did against perry?

    and can he forget the misses from the afternoon session?

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  • montoya10
    Originally Posted by vdking114 View Post
    There is a reason why O'sullivan has called Selby the Torturer and Higgins one of the snooker players he's ever come up against.
    I think he was probably the only one who could one up an A-game Ronnie O'Sullivan.

    Originally Posted by daffie View Post
    You see I really do not see it that way. I always pride myself on trying to view both sides of any story. But I really can not see Selby as unsportsmanlike or slowing things down. In my view he plays very tough match play snooker (it's a stupid description but gotta go with it anyway), that is...he goes for his shots (and yes he really does), but at the same time plays the percentage game. If he sees a pot and can play on the next color then he absolutely will. But if the outcome might be 50/50 then he will play the shot in such a way as to try and limit the damage should he miss the pot. I think that is very sensible and very smart play. I can see why others see this as boring or even negative play. But really in my view it is very tough and smart snooker.
    Um, you seem to be misunderstanding me here. I never said slowing things down was unsportsmanlike. He doesn't mind playing fragmented frames. In fact, he is usually benefiting from them. That's his style and he makes most of it. Nothing wrong with that, aside from me not liking that style. I'm not so stupid that I'd go on a rant over a player's playing style (exception: heat of the moment while watching, obviously, that's about the only time I really get frustrated over it).
    But nevertheless, that's not what John Higgins has played for the past two decades. He has always been known as the best all-rounder, maybe historically the best one, and he has never systematically taken an overly cautious approach on the table. That's about it. Yes, he can play the way Mark Selby does and can still be one of the best at pulling that off, as well, but it's not the stamp on his career, unlike Selby. That was my point.

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  • daffie
    Originally Posted by neil taperell View Post

    Explain what you mean........that's if you can get your head out of Selby's backside . You are just as biased as the so called 'Ronnie Worshippers' .

    Lets just try to watch a decent final session of snooker without having to read your blinkered views on snooker .
    Hmm...try applying your short-minded-views to yourself and the other Selby haters in here

    But I will *explain* myself, just because generally I am a nice guy

    The worshippers in here (and general public) for me are the people in here who only have interest in Ros...for absolutely nothing else...not the game of snooker, not the opponent of Ros, not the difference in views from other people...merely their man. That's a very short-minded view imo.

    Again...just my personal views...but since you asked.

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  • Ronnie's tip
    Originally Posted by Nugget View Post
    A big part of why I wanted Selby to lose that frame was that I knew it was coming. I think that the gritted-teeth, macho fist-pumping trend that's emerged in recent years is ridiculous. Just show some class and shake hands...
    It's the world final! Why can't you show a bit of emotion?
    If Selby went up to Ronnie's face and did it then fair enough, but he didn't.

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  • Neil Taperell
    Originally Posted by daffie View Post
    You see I really do not see it that way. I always pride myself on trying to view both sides of any story. But I really can not see Selby as unsportsmanlike or slowing things down. In my view he plays very tough match play snooker (it's a stupid description but gotta go with it anyway), that is...he goes for his shots (and yes he really does), but at the same time plays the percentage game. If he sees a pot and can play on the next color then he absolutely will. But if the outcome might be 50/50 then he will play the shot in such a way as to try and limit the damage should he miss the pot. I think that is very sensible and very smart play. I can see why others see this as boring or even negative play. But really in my view it is very tough and smart snooker.

    He is unsportsmanlike ........going for a toilet break and hiding behind the curtains when he was playing Shane Castle to let the lad sweat in his seat . Well documented on here .

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  • Nugget
    Originally Posted by richo View Post
    Agreed. For a player who prides his self on class, it was classless. No way would Ronnie have rubbed it in an opponents face like that.
    A big part of why I wanted Selby to lose that frame was that I knew it was coming. I think that the gritted-teeth, macho fist-pumping trend that's emerged in recent years is ridiculous. Just show some class and shake hands...

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  • Ronnie's tip
    Originally Posted by richo View Post
    Anyway, I need advice on this bet again.

    So £10 on Selby when it was 7-10, 5.2-1, £52 profit if win. Right now I can cash out with £28, only an £18 profit though. What would people do. Half a mind to bank a small profit, but do feel Selby is going to win this match based on every frame at half an hour....!
    Keep it. Putting a tenner down and winning £18 is pretty average. £52 quid profit is very good though. I regret not making my bet when it was 10-5 to ROS, because I came damn close to doing it and if I wasn't so lazy I would have.

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  • Ronnie's tip
    There was nothing wrong in Selby's celebration. You want to see emotion + personality out there.

    Said it a million times but the 'classy' and yet traditional style where everyone is a robotic gentleman actually holds the game back. Alex Higgins + ROS were far from that and they're two of the 3 biggest 'draws' ever.

    The more emotion expressed at the table, the better. Even if it did annoy me as a ROS fan.

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  • richo
    Anyway, I need advice on this bet again.

    So £10 on Selby when it was 7-10, 5.2-1, £52 profit if win. Right now I can cash out with £28, only an £18 profit though. What would people do. Half a mind to bank a small profit, but do feel Selby is going to win this match based on every frame at half an hour....!

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