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2014 World Championship - Discussion

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  • RaveDave
    must win the frame here ronnie. don't mug it up.

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  • cueman
    Originally Posted by richo View Post
    Well here we go, break of 30-45 then a snooker. Ughhhh.
    called it almost right!

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  • Masterdoctorgenius
    even if selby misses he will leave nothing on

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  • richo
    I can now cash out at £33 for my £10 bet on Selby, as he has moved to favourite for the match. What should I do? £62 if he wins, nothing if he doesn't? Need some advice???!

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  • richo
    Well here we go, break of 30-45 then a snooker. Ughhhh.

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  • jrc750
    Originally Posted by Masterdoctorgenius View Post
    selby gets eveyrtime the luck he needs
    Ronnie played a terrible safety, get over it

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  • Masterdoctorgenius
    selby gets eveyrtime the luck he needs

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  • wemba
    I am glued to my chair here. Nothing better than a close match.

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  • Ronnie's tip
    First shot and already a mistake.

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  • jrc750
    That piece on the referee was good

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  • Censor
    Originally Posted by cueman View Post
    Steve peters has his work cut out in the mid session interval. If he can't find a way for Ronnie to turn the match around I can see Ronnie going back to the guy of old and possibly walking away from the game for good.

    He won't want to endure more matches against a guy who plays like this and is not good for the game. Its almost impossible to play against someone who plays like Selby does unless they employ exactly the same tactics. I'd hoped that playing open attacking snooker would prevail against a negative safety player but this match has proved that the negative approach will always come out on top, especially so in longer matches when they keep their opponent in their seat.

    Unfortunately for snooker other players will now see the success of Selby's style and will realise its easy enough to copy, you just need patience, and lots of it, and it helps if you can pull a stupid face and pretend you are funny and have a personality and you will do well.
    Neil Robertson is proof of this who went from a very attacking player into a match player in the style of Selby. If he can turn down his entertaining style in preference to that of Selby, who is to say other attack minded players like Trump and Ding won't decide to go down the same route.

    We could literally have a clone of Selby style players in the next few years, no style at all, just substance. Lots of safety, tactics and boring breakbuilding. I'd love to see what Hearn does to combat it, shot clock anyone?!!!!
    Pish posh.

    1. 'Negative' snooker does not always prevail against 'attacking' snooker. That's not a law of physics or anything like that. Selby is playing better than O'Sullivan at the moment.

    2. Selby has plenty of verve. You may find his game boring, but other people don't. I, for one, enjoy it immensely.

    3. It is actually very difficult to play like Selby does. You think other players have never seen him claw his way to victory against an awe-inspiring opponent? He didn't burst onto the scene yesterday. If people wanted to imitate him, they would have tried by now. The truth is that every player has his (or her) strengths and Selby's strength is in tactical play. It is 'very easy' for him to play like he does because that's how he's always played and that's the style his skill set and temperament demand. Most snooker players are not stupid enough to think that 1. the reason he wins so much is his style of play (it's actually his ability), or 2. they can achieve the same success if they adopt the same style. They know themselves well enough to seek the style most appropriate to *their* skills and character.

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  • zombieman
    Ronnie needs to draw the next mini session at least. I can't see him getting back from 3 (or 5) frames behind in the evening.

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  • montoya10
    Originally Posted by cebs View Post
    Could tell Ronnie is feeling it now, that black was too rash imo but I do think Selby had a shot on the red before that but played safe.

    Think Selby will take most of the next mini session but think Ronnie will stage a comeback tonight, 17-17 all and then too close to call.

    Might cash in and put a frame score on now.
    If this is the way the frames will keep developing, please no. I'd prefer a quicker and less painful exit.

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  • RaveDave
    'The torturor' is an apt nickname for Selby.

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  • cebs
    Could tell Ronnie is feeling it now, that black was too rash imo but I do think Selby had a shot on the red before that but played safe.

    Think Selby will take most of the next mini session but think Ronnie will stage a comeback tonight, 17-17 all and then too close to call.

    Might cash in and put a frame score on now.

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