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2014 World Championship - Discussion

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  • ADR147
    Originally Posted by alexiy View Post
    This was a very suspicious match.This should be investigated thoroughly.
    And oh yea,i accept the fact that selby is the champion,he beat them all, but no doubt in my mind that he is the most dreadful player to watch since peter ebdon.Very bad for snooker,but oh well chelsea was also boring but they won the CL title and football moves on,but thats easy beacause football has a huge fan base.I know ronnie deserved to loose this match,but i'll say that Mark Selby is not a worthy champion,knows nothing about a gentleman game or entertainment,no grace and class or whatsoever,just a pure "opportunistic money maker".If Joe Perry did win against ronnie now that would be beating the rocket in style,and he was pretty close,that was a great match to watch,i even rooted for Joe because he showed some "balls" to ronnie,but this final was b...**** and all thanks to the great mark selby..
    I don't understand how could anyone defend his style of playing,but oh well,there are even stranger people on this planet.
    And yea Neil Robertson is the player of the year for me.**** rankings.Neil is going to get it next year,great player and i hope ronnie will be back to his game to spice things up again and challenge hendry's records.
    i don't tend to post on non cue threads but you my friend are a total muppet. selby was superb in that final and deserves all the credit he gets, he was the better player on the day and if you don't think so you don't understand the game. ronnie i am sure will bounce back and win it again but selby was the best player over the week by miles.

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  • DandyA
    Originally Posted by The Statman View Post
    cool, thanks ... nice photo ... did you get one with Vikki too

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  • The Statman
    Originally Posted by DandyA View Post
    please don't make us beg Statman ... we want to see your photo with the World Champ!

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  • DandyA
    Originally Posted by The Statman View Post
    I was at the after-tournament party late on Monday night and at 2am Mark was still very happy to chat and have photos with anyone who asked.
    please don't make us beg Statman ... we want to see your photo with the World Champ!

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  • Kargetina
    Originally Posted by alexiy View Post
    This was a very suspicious match.This should be investigated thoroughly.
    And oh yea,i accept the fact that selby is the champion,he beat them all, but no doubt in my mind that he is the most dreadful player to watch since peter ebdon.Very bad for snooker,but oh well chelsea was also boring but they won the CL title and football moves on,but thats easy beacause football has a huge fan base.I know ronnie deserved to loose this match,but i'll say that Mark Selby is not a worthy champion,knows nothing about a gentleman game or entertainment,no grace and class or whatsoever,just a pure "opportunistic money maker".If Joe Perry did win against ronnie now that would be beating the rocket in style,and he was pretty close,that was a great match to watch,i even rooted for Joe because he showed some "balls" to ronnie,but this final was b...**** and all thanks to the great mark selby..
    I don't understand how could anyone defend his style of playing,but oh well,there are even stranger people on this planet.
    And yea Neil Robertson is the player of the year for me.**** rankings.Neil is going to get it next year,great player and i hope ronnie will be back to his game to spice things up again and challenge hendry's records.
    Lmao some of you are so deluded,you probably can't distinguish between night and day.

    Bad for snooker?Selby's tactical schooling of OSullivan had a lot bigger average audience and a lot bigger peak at the end of the match than Ronnie's beating of his pigeons Hawkins and Carter in the last two years.

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  • The Statman
    Originally Posted by alexiy View Post
    This was a very suspicious match.This should be investigated thoroughly.
    And oh yea,i accept the fact that selby is the champion,he beat them all, but no doubt in my mind that he is the most dreadful player to watch since peter ebdon.Very bad for snooker,but oh well chelsea was also boring but they won the CL title and football moves on,but thats easy beacause football has a huge fan base.I know ronnie deserved to loose this match,but i'll say that Mark Selby is not a worthy champion,knows nothing about a gentleman game or entertainment,no grace and class or whatsoever,just a pure "opportunistic money maker".If Joe Perry did win against ronnie now that would be beating the rocket in style,and he was pretty close,that was a great match to watch,i even rooted for Joe because he showed some "balls" to ronnie,but this final was b...**** and all thanks to the great mark selby..
    I don't understand how could anyone defend his style of playing,but oh well,there are even stranger people on this planet.
    And yea Neil Robertson is the player of the year for me.**** rankings.Neil is going to get it next year,great player and i hope ronnie will be back to his game to spice things up again and challenge hendry's records.
    "Opportunistic money maker"?

    That's one of the most astonishing posts I've read this week, and against some stiff opposition.

    At the end of the day, he played well within the rules, and Ronnie O'Sullivan was unable to respond on the day that it matters. That's how sport works. The best doesn't necessarily win; if someone has a bad day someone else can prevail.

    It's worth remembering that Mark Selby has a pretty good record at the Crucible. He remains one of only a handful of players to have made 5 centuries in one match under 30 frames, had a better Crucible century strike rate than either O'Sullivan or Higgins until 2011 when they won further titles, and is a solid and proven big-time winner.

    I don't care if you don't like him or his style of play - that's you're opinion and you are by all means entitled to it - but to call someone who has as good a pedigree as Selby, whether you like him or not, an unworthy world champion and an opportunistic money maker is nothing short of preposterous.

    And actually I'd much rather have a world champion who will always stop and chat and have a photo with fans than someone who sneaks out side entrances and walks past a school group of 8-year-olds at the Crucible stage door without even saying hello, let alone doing any autographs.

    But I suppose that doesn't come in to it where a 'worthy champion' is concerned.

    I was at the after-tournament party late on Monday night and at 2am Mark was still very happy to chat and have photos with anyone who asked. Ronnie O'Sullivan, by contrast, last year did the bear contractual minimum and off he went long before any fans got to gain entry.

    So yes, you're right, there are stranger people on the planet - there have been, ever since the mirror was invented.

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  • Evilbrain
    It has to be reminded that there are two players at the table, and Selby has every right to play how he wants. However boring and negative it is and he is an excellent player. That being said i just would want tickets seeing him play.

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  • alexiy
    This was a very suspicious match.This should be investigated thoroughly.
    And oh yea,i accept the fact that selby is the champion,he beat them all, but no doubt in my mind that he is the most dreadful player to watch since peter ebdon.Very bad for snooker,but oh well chelsea was also boring but they won the CL title and football moves on,but thats easy beacause football has a huge fan base.I know ronnie deserved to loose this match,but i'll say that Mark Selby is not a worthy champion,knows nothing about a gentleman game or entertainment,no grace and class or whatsoever,just a pure "opportunistic money maker".If Joe Perry did win against ronnie now that would be beating the rocket in style,and he was pretty close,that was a great match to watch,i even rooted for Joe because he showed some "balls" to ronnie,but this final was b...**** and all thanks to the great mark selby..
    I don't understand how could anyone defend his style of playing,but oh well,there are even stranger people on this planet.
    And yea Neil Robertson is the player of the year for me.**** rankings.Neil is going to get it next year,great player and i hope ronnie will be back to his game to spice things up again and challenge hendry's records.

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  • JeeSe
    He wasn't slow throughout, but there was a point, where he could only see one red, he could not play safe off it, he could only pot it, there really were no other options, yet selby spent 2 minutes walking around the table pulling funny faces. Was a blatent Ebdon.

    But fair play to the guy, he is the champion, it's just he'd be more popular if he won by out potting and entertaining.

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  • miscuehamburg
    Originally Posted by Masterdoctorgenius View Post
    Ronnie had a car crash. His son was also there. Both shaken but not hurt.
    When ****s gets going ....
    In Leicester for all the places

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  • itsnoteasy
    Thanks Odri,appreciated, that's hard to believe , but it will be true obviously, just shows you how you can get the wrong perception of something, Selby is virtually a Billy whiz round the table. Why does it feel like a wet weekend in November every time he's at the table? It's most strange, it's not like I have any baggage with Selby, I have only started watching snooker again in the last year and a half, and had never heard of him or any of the new players before then.

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  • Odrl
    Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
    I have hunted high and low to find this stat that there was only four seconds between the average shot times in the final, but I can't find a single thing on it, could the folk who posted these stats put up a link for me thanks.
    I've had a look through the last session, but I don't think the average shot time was displayed at any point close to the end of the match. This is the latest I found, at 38:20 in the video:

    It's in frame 26 of 32, so it's probably close to what it was in the end. Having said that, Selby had his two highest breaks of the match after that point, and O'Sullivan had a quick break himself, so it's probably a second or two less for both players...

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  • attilahun
    Looks like there is a Selby hater working for The Telegraph........

    PS I say again....more clearly now...i wasnt talking abou you Statman.....

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  • The Statman
    Originally Posted by attilahun View Post
    Why did you assumed i was talking about you?
    Maybe because you said "in last 2 pages of this thread Selbys fans talked about ....."
    Originally Posted by attilahun View Post
    ... i am entitled to an opinion snd surely that doesnt make me a hater...
    As I said, I never said it did!

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  • attilahun
    Originally Posted by The Statman View Post
    Did we? You obviously didn't read the last two pages very closely. I wrote the following and I don't think I called anyone a hater.I realise it's hard to take anyone seriously who claims to be a Selby fan and an O'Sullivan fan, but please don't just read what you want to read and ignore the rest.
    Why did you assumed i was talking about you? Please read carefully last post and see who used that word....And i read all your post and i agreed with some and disagreed with some....It is obvious that your snooker experience is greater than mine by a mile but i am entitled to an opinion snd surely that doesnt make me a hater...

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