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2014 World Championship - Discussion

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  • daffie
    Originally Posted by P.Smith View Post
    I disagree and I think this whole 'dull' thing has been completely over exaggerated. I hardly ever notice this purposefully slow playstyle that people constantly bang on about. I just see Selby as a great well rounded player with a lot of personality and determination. That's why I like him.
    I completely agree. I'm the type of person that would be turned off very rapidly if a player would be unsportsmanlike or use unfair tactics (Ebdon in the past comes to mind).

    Selby is granite as they say, he is mentally very tough, can keep himself together at the roughest of times during a match, never gives up, never throws the towel in, never drops his head...he just keeps going, toughening it all out untill he gets his chance and than he pounces. It's an awesome skill to that John Higgins in his best days had as well.

    Selby imo is the very best matchplayer we have in our game nowadays, Plus he is an absolute gentleman, on and off the table, and always very generous towards his opponents. Some other players could learn a lot from Selby and for example Shaun Murphy in that regard.

    Put that all together and you have *the perfect snookerplayer* in my book.

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  • P.Smith
    Originally Posted by cebs View Post
    Count the number of re racks he plays for, 3 so far in this match. Don't think I have ever seen Ronnie play for one.
    It takes 2 players for a re-rack to happen. Not sure how you can blame Selby for that.

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  • KSR2013
    Originally Posted by trains View Post
    Yes even if Selby won tomorrow afternoons session 6-3 to tie it 13-13 he'll have to win the evening session 5-4 to lift the trophy,I can't see it as Ronnie isn't pushing the boat out at all and is too good in among the balls,we'll see.
    not looked at it like that. Ronnie still in with a chance. im hoping 4-4 next session. 5-3 ronnie is a bonus

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  • cebs
    If you don't see Selby play dull and defensive snooker I think you might have been watching someone else.

    Count the number of re racks he plays for, 3 so far in this match. Don't think I have ever seen Ronnie play for one.

    He can go for it when he wants, his win over Higgins at the masters was great and showed his bottle in the final two shots but most often he waits for things to happen rather than makes things happen in my opinion.

    No A game from either player and unless Ronnie breaks away I could see him going for a few risky ones, close to doing that before I thought.

    Centuries vs re racks, I know which I prefer to see after several minutes into a frame.

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  • manadrainer
    Selby is really boring to watch, he got lucky today to be only 3 frames down, hopefully Ronnie can lift his level tomorrow and win the third session which might be crucial for the title.

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  • P.Smith
    Originally Posted by Ronnie's tip View Post
    I could understand this POV if it wasn't Selby lol. Someone like a Higgins, Robertson, Ding....especially Trump. That would add excitement. And Murphy. But Selby? Last year when he won the UK + Masters, those two tournaments just felt dead. He tortured his way to the title.
    I disagree and I think this whole 'dull' thing has been completely over exaggerated. I hardly ever notice this purposefully slow playstyle that people constantly bang on about. I just see Selby as a great well rounded player with a lot of personality and determination. That's why I like him.

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  • trains
    Originally Posted by monkeytennis View Post
    What, like he threw the towel in against Joe Perry? This isn't 2005; there's a reason Ronnie has been in the last three World finals. Even if it was 10 all Ronnie would still be the favourite.
    Yes even if Selby won tomorrow afternoons session 6-3 to tie it 13-13 he'll have to win the evening session 5-4 to lift the trophy,I can't see it as Ronnie isn't pushing the boat out at all and is too good in among the balls,we'll see.
    Last edited by trains; 4 May 2014, 10:41 PM.

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  • KSR2013
    Does anyone else feel this is a turning point? im really worried for ronnie now, 3 frames is nothing

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  • Ronnie's tip
    Originally Posted by P.Smith View Post
    I would jump for joy if Selby won the title. Ronnie has gotten stale for me quite honestly. I much preferred him when he was unpredictable.
    I could understand this POV if it wasn't Selby lol. Someone like a Higgins, Robertson, Ding....especially Trump. That would add excitement. And Murphy. But Selby? Last year when he won the UK + Masters, those two tournaments just felt dead. He tortured his way to the title.

    That being said it's an amazing talent to have. But he's just so boring. I love close matches with drama in all sports, but I can never stand dull sportsmen.

    Anyway, that missed black from ROS really could be a turning point. Won't be able to catch tomorrow's afternoon session sadly, but I'm just praying that ROS can at least level the session. But really I think this is Selby's.

    I don't think ROS has played that well all tournament, really. Hawkins + Murphy literally just collapsed - ROS put them in a few stressful situations and they couldn't cope. He was amazing in the final 3 frames vs Perry but before that was average by his standards. I don't think he's played anywhere near as well as he played against Hawkins/Bingham in 2013, or a few of his 2012 matches.

    A good start tomorrow is vital.

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  • daffie
    Originally Posted by CeeJay147 View Post
    If Selby wins, I shall walk down my street naked.
    Duly noted

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  • monkeytennis
    Originally Posted by daffie View Post
    The Ronnie worshippers aka Selby haters in here clearly have no clue whatsoever about's just very funny how they get everything wrong

    Selby is granite and will never quit, while on the other hand ROS will only hang in when things are going his way...otherwise the towel is thrown it rapidly.
    What, like he threw the towel in against Joe Perry? This isn't 2005; there's a reason Ronnie has been in the last three World finals. Even if it was 10 all Ronnie would still be the favourite.

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  • CeeJay147
    If Selby wins, I shall walk down my street naked.

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  • P.Smith
    Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
    Aye coz Selbys right on the edge, that's what makes him so exciting.
    He's the underdog and he's never won the world title before, that's enough for me to support him.

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  • itsnoteasy
    Aye coz Selbys right on the edge, that's what makes him so exciting.

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  • P.Smith
    I would jump for joy if Selby won the title. Ronnie has gotten stale for me quite honestly. I much preferred him when he was unpredictable.

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