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2014 World Championship - Discussion

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  • jrc750
    Originally Posted by Dave Walton View Post
    luck he's had has been unreal, and he's doing his usual bore his opponent to sleep so the push the boat out to make something happen or they'd be there all day. Bloody awful to watch!
    People must be watching a different match to me ????

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  • Masterdoctorgenius
    nothing going for ronnie

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  • Ronnie's tip
    It's like one of those football matches where the team just parks the bus and stays defensive. Horrible to watch.

    As Pep Guardiola said, if you don't care for entertaining the fans they might as well not watch and just find out the result after it's finished.

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  • daffie
    Originally Posted by Censor View Post
    Amazing comeback from Selby. He's so mentally strong, it's unreal. Simply refuses to lose.

    I can't believe people are calling his style boring. There's a reason the game is called 'snooker', you know. Safeties, positional play and errors are just as much a part of it as potting reds in quick succession.

    Selby and O'Sullivan are two of my favourites, but I've been rooting for Selby in this match and I'm hoping he doesn't lose momentum any time soon.
    Originally Posted by Atypical Male View Post
    Selby's purpose there today isn't to entertain those watching - it's to win the freakin' match, and the World Championship title. He's played these last five frames very, very effectively to claw his way back towards accomplishing that goal - more power to him in hoping he continues in that stead.

    He plays in a style to win... if you don't like that, that's your prerogative, but I personally think it's ridiculous to fault a player for playing with a strategically smart mentality.

    Give me five more frames like the last five, please.
    Couldn't have said any of the above better myself...I wholeheartedly agree.

    Good match this!

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  • vdking114
    Originally Posted by scottley View Post
    I'm not one bit bored or one bit tired!
    Maybe cause you're supporting your local boy Selby and overlook it all.

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  • Masterdoctorgenius

    saftey mistake and no easy red

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  • Dave Walton
    Originally Posted by vdking114 View Post
    Originally Posted by scottley View Post
    To many people with blind hatred for so Selby they over look the FACT he is a proper match player, he has over 300 career centuries a suberb safety game, a brilliant A, B, and C game and is always tough to beat because of an awesome temprement, so what if he wins ugly, getting your name on that trophy against the best player ever would be a fantastic achievement!
    No one is denying he is tactically brilliant player and good match player but you have to be blind to not see he is a boring player and sends people to sleep.
    luck he's had has been unreal, and he's doing his usual bore his opponent to sleep so the push the boat out to make something happen or they'd be there all day. Bloody awful to watch!

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  • scottley
    Originally Posted by vdking114 View Post
    No one is denying he is tactically brilliant player and good match player but you have to be blind to not see he is a boring player and sends people to sleep.

    I'm not one bit bored or one bit tired!

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  • Atypical Male
    Selby's purpose there today isn't to entertain those watching - it's to win the freakin' match, and the World Championship title. He's played these last five frames very, very effectively to claw his way back towards accomplishing that goal - more power to him in hoping he continues in that stead.

    He plays in a style to win... if you don't like that, that's your prerogative, but I personally think it's ridiculous to fault a player for playing with a strategically smart mentality.

    Give me five more frames like the last five, please.

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  • nYLo
    So Ronnie really should win this frame. 0-4 would be q bit worrying

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  • Censor
    Amazing comeback from Selby. He's so mentally strong, it's unreal. Simply refuses to lose.

    I can't believe people are calling his style boring. There's a reason the game is called 'snooker', you know. Safeties, positional play and errors are just as much a part of it as potting reds in quick succession.

    Selby and O'Sullivan are two of my favourites, but I've been rooting for Selby in this match and I'm hoping he doesn't lose momentum any time soon.

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  • trains
    So can Selby win the session 6-3 or better ? And can the BBC get rid of Irvine and Doherty ? The intrigue continues (now for about 8 years)

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  • Dave Walton
    Originally Posted by Masterdoctorgenius View Post
    that break was so lucky
    Selby is always lucky!

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  • bagpiper13579
    AHHHHHHHHHHH HAZEL!!!!! Ronnie-Dott was 04, Dott didn't win it the next year, that was 2006 omg get the facts straight BBC you can do it!!!!

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  • Kargetina
    Come on Selby!

    What a comeback...he needs to go into tonight's session with a lead even if it is only 13 12

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