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2015 Betfred World Snooker Championship Qualifying Draw

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  • Robin Hull just gone 4-2 up. Igor was in among the balls played a reasonable safety. Robin reply with a better one although got lucky on the way back to baulk clipped the yellow and the cueball sneaked behind the brown snookering Igor. After 2 miss shots trying to get on one on the top cushion Igor played a different one and left Robin in to make it 4-2


    • Either player winning is ok with me. Both could
      help advance their career and snooker as well.


      • Michael Holt can't contain his anger, again played a bad shot and swung his cue baseball style through the air, made a nice whoosh sound, I was surprised the referee didn't give him a warning
        Last edited by alabadi; 14 April 2015, 06:37 PM.


        • There is far too much of that kind of behaviour
          and the refs really need to warn the players. It
          is unacceptable and presents a poor image on
          the game.


          • Originally Posted by alabadi View Post
            Michael Holt can't contain his anger, again played a bad shot and swung his cue baseball style through the air, made a nice whoosh sound, I was surprised the referee didn't give him a warning
            is not the first time !! while back, he even broke his cue in two pieces just because he did'nt play well !!


            • most games are still in the balance today, quite a lot of 5-4 scores yesterday. other than Robin Hull and Mark Davis who have a good lead, should be an interesting final day.


              • The one session I've managed to watch all week, and it was Mavis vs Doherty.

                Bit one-sided.


                • Some interesting matches ahead of us .... hope my favourites will do great

                  A. Duffy will play his EBSA play-off match this evening, bit harsh if he loses the WSC qualifing match. I doubt he would be in the mood for another match so soon.


                  • free on youtube now
                    Up the TSF! :snooker:


                    • Stevens v Swail
                      Stevens 6-4 now, as per the article in this months Snooker Scene he needs to get through as he needs the money :wink:
                      Up the TSF! :snooker:


                      • Is it my imagination, or was the advert with Bazza going on about the youngsters coming through being ready, the exact same as he used last year? You know, last year - when the final was between O'Sullivan and Selby


                        • Robin Hull wins 10-4 with a 139 break at the last frame!


                          • fantastic for steadmen whos worked so hard to be where hes at now and i hope he plays well at the crucible


                            • Very pleased for Steadman , great perseverance and he played very well in the qualifiers .

                              Great turnaround from Kurt Maflin ......6 - 3 down and now 9-7 up .
                              Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                              • it's a decider then between Higginson and Milkins, very tense stuff and superb safety play!

