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The Masters 2016 10-17 January

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  • Originally Posted by Erwan_BZH View Post
    Do you prefer the Beeb gang? With JV harrassing us all the bloody time with his trademark "Where's the cue ball goin' ???" Or Dennis Taylor and "how nowadays cloths are so fast and reactive! look at the development of the white here!" Or DT again, who can't help himself but to talk about any player's girlfriend or wife in every game the girls are in the audience?

    I guess both crew have their own pros and cons but personnally, I ran as far away as I can from the Beeb coms...just fed up to hear the same mass all the time.
    They both apply selective amnesia for a buzzy comment,the Eurosport guy now just said Mark Williams isn't as good as he was,he didn't qualify it with any explanation,just fits the bill as he lost,to arguably the goat.
    Following the Eurosport camera into the BBC booth with that Jason host and Doherty,no disrespect to Higgins but I'm glad the programme stopped there


    • Originally Posted by DeanH View Post
      thoroughly enjoyed that match
      hope for another later

      with his recent win in Gibraltar I hope Fu is in sparkling form
      Yes I forgot Fu's max in that earlier post,I'd prefer the Aussie to win though


      • Originally Posted by trains View Post
        Following the Eurosport camera into the BBC booth...
        It is actually BBC cameras and BBC directors.... Eurosport have no cameras of their own that the "BBC" events, they rely on BBC feed.

        Originally Posted by trains View Post
        Yes I forgot Fu's max in that earlier post,I'd prefer the Aussie to win though
        hm, I have a feeling for Fu today
        Up the TSF! :snooker:


        • Great match that. Liang's a really entertaining watch, but I think he just needs to tighten up his game a little, a few too many loose whites at the moment IMO, not much wrong with his potting though ay, and on another day against a slighter weaker opponent he'd probably have been through to the next round. Engage Parrot mode: "Tough school this".

          BTW, what's all this 'back cushion' stuff? Thorne and Taylor use it when referring to the top cushion and Mike Hallett was using it for the baulk cushion today, what are they on about?? They're ex players, you think they'd know better.

          The fast and the furious,
          The slow and labourious,
          All of us, glorious parts of the whole!


          • Great stuff this afternoon. Century after century from Higgins, and still Liang almost pushed him all the way. :smile:

            The one-sided record continues then... Unlucky for Liang in some ways, because a year ago a performance like that would have almost certainly been enough to beat Higgins. But not today. :smile:


            • Originally Posted by PatBlock View Post
              BTW, what's all this 'back cushion' stuff? Thorne and Taylor use it when referring to the top cushion and Mike Hallett was using it for the baulk cushion today, what are they on about?? They're ex players, you think they'd know better.
              well, officially on a billiard table the bottom cushion is the baulk cushion; and the top cushion is the black cushion (as in the "top of the table" being around the "black (billiard RED) spot, the high scoring area). BUT on TV the black cushion is at the "bottom" of the TV screen to the viewers. so, this has always been a difference between commentators
              Last edited by DeanH; 13 January 2016, 05:26 PM.
              Up the TSF! :snooker:


              • Originally Posted by DeanH View Post
                well, officially on a billiard table the bottom cushion is the baulk cushion; and the top cushion is the black cushion (as in the "top of the table" being around the "black (billiard RED spot) the high scoring area). BUT on TV the black cushion is at the "bottom" of the TV screen to the viewers. so, this has always been a difference between commentators
                OK, interesting, but they're saying BACK cushion, not BLACK cushion. And if you're right, I still don't understand why Hallett was referring to the baulk cushion in this way, it's neither at the bottom of the TV screen or near the black spot.

                Last edited by PatBlock; 13 January 2016, 05:38 PM.
                The fast and the furious,
                The slow and labourious,
                All of us, glorious parts of the whole!


                • Originally Posted by PatBlock View Post
                  OK, interesting, but they're saying BACK cushion, not BLACK cushion. And if you're right, I still don't understand why Hallett was referring to the baulk cushion in this way, it's neither at the bottom of the TV screen or near the black spot.
                  oops yes, I forgot to say I think the "back cushion" is another name for the baulk cushion; as I said previously the commentators seem to have use the same term for differing parts of the table/game. One I notice also is the use of "cross-double" where the player is not doing any such thing
                  I recall a website that had old definitions of the table and game but cant find it at the moment.

                  In PJ Nolan's training programme he uses the term "back cushion" three times, twice meaning the black cushion and once for the baulk cushion; two of them are next to each other (practise 7 and practice 8)

                  One use in Snooker Scene, infers the black cushion as the back cushion. I give up :wink:
                  Last edited by DeanH; 13 January 2016, 06:42 PM.
                  Up the TSF! :snooker:


                  • Originally Posted by DeanH View Post
                    oops yes, I forgot to say I think the "back cushion" is another name for the baulk cushion; as I said previously the commentators seem to have use the same term for differing parts of the table/game. One I notice also is the use of "cross-double" where the player is not doing any such thing
                    I recall a website that had old definitions of the table and game but cant find it at the moment.

                    In PJ Nolan's training programme he uses the term "back cushion" three times, twice meaning the black cushion and once for the baulk cushion; two of them are next to each other (practise 7 and practice 8)

                    One use in Snooker Scene, infers the black cushion as the back cushion. I give up :wink:
                    LOL. Well, that's cleared that up then. Thanks for trying anyway dean.

                    The fast and the furious,
                    The slow and labourious,
                    All of us, glorious parts of the whole!


                    • With both the Beeb and Eurosport AWOL this evening, I'm on the couch feet up watching this match on my 12" macbook with Miles Davis playing Bitches Brew in the background. Could be worse

                      Game On! :snooker:


                      • Originally Posted by shmeeko69 View Post
                        Most people have respect for him as a snooker player and a great ambassador for the sport, but he seems to say 101 words when it could be said in one sentence. "Interesting"
                        Don't get me wrong, I'm very much one of those people and love him as a studio pundit, but what you say about him using 101 words to make a simply point is what I mean by affected delivery. He just can't stop talking.

                        Anyway, back on topic, Fu seems to be having a real purple patch of late. He showed massive promise when he came on the scene, then all but disappeared, and is now starting to prove himself all these years later.
                        Last edited by Billy; 13 January 2016, 07:18 PM.
                        "Kryten, isn't it round about this time of year that your head goes back to the lab for retuning?"


                        • Yeah, forget that last comment about Marco.
                          "Kryten, isn't it round about this time of year that your head goes back to the lab for retuning?"


                          • No wonder Marco was holding his nose, that was a very smelly shot. Not looking good for him so far, lets hope he can pick things up, don't want another whitewash tonight.

                            The fast and the furious,
                            The slow and labourious,
                            All of us, glorious parts of the whole!


                            • now they are saying Fu is suffering from a cold/flu/cough.etc.
                              Up the TSF! :snooker:


                              • Fu just giving this away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

