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Opinion on Ronnie declining the 147?

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  • Originally Posted by Leo View Post
    I never said I think Putin would invade us, I have the upmost respect for Him, he's the only one in Syria with balls.
    Russians are not the enemy...

    Relinquishing trident is ideological folly. Beware the great bear.


    • Originally Posted by Leo View Post
      I don't like Cameron either.
      Wait til you get Osbourne, then.

      He's played a blinder so far - cozying to right and left equally. He'll be the next PM, and for at least a decade.


      • I doesn't matter who you vote in ......the big decisions are not made by political parties . Only the smaller decisions are


        • Originally Posted by daffie View Post
          Holy crap...where is this thread heading?
          Well judging by the lovers of ROS on here it has to be ROS for Downing Street
          JP Majestic
          9.5mm Elk


          • So, to summarise. Ronnie has not done something. Something that other players manage not to do all the time. Ronnie not doing it is brilliant, and even rarer than him doing it. To say otherwise makes you an enemy of snooker, because Ronnie is snooker. Argument closed, engage political debate.

            Does that about cover it?

            Has Ronnie not done it again today? Does that make not doing it less rare, or are we still supposed to drown in our own ecstatic ectoplasm, because it's the rocket playing?

            Guidance required, because I'm still not getting it.


            • Originally Posted by throtts View Post
              Well judging by the lovers of ROS on here it has to be ROS for Downing Street
              Very glad I'm not a UK resident then


              • Late on the topic but here is my two cents: ROS is a bloody genius on the table and always a joy to watch BUT denying a blatant 147 to protest about the prize money allocated to a max is such a disgrace. OK, this guy knocks maxis for breakfast so it might be 'just another one' for him but man, just think about the fans, the audience, the people that actually PAID to see you play.
                Had I been in the audience, I would have been mightily peeved to see this guy potting the pink on purpose and denying all the fans the chance to see a maximum live. I understand ROS's intention was to make a statement but this was disrespectful for all the people watching it...Geez if ten grands is nothing for him, he should realize it's a great amount of quids for a lot of people!!
                Ton Praram III Series 1 | 58" 18.4oz 9.4mm | ash shaft + 4 splices of Brazilian Rosewood | Grand Cue medium tips


                • Late on the topic but here is my two cents: ROS is a bloody genius on the table and always a joy to watch BUT denying a blatant 147 to protest about the prize money allocated to a max is such a disgrace. OK, this guy knocks maxis for breakfast so it might be 'just another one' for him but man, just think about the fans, the audience, the people that actually PAID to see you play.
                  Had I been in the audience, I would have been mightily peeved to see this guy potting the pink on purpose and denying all the fans the chance to see a maximum live. I understand ROS's intention was to make a statement but this was disrespectful for all the people watching it...Geez if ten grands is nothing for him, he should realize it's a great amount of quids for a lot of people!!
                  Ton Praram III Series 1 | 58" 18.4oz 9.4mm | ash shaft + 4 splices of Brazilian Rosewood | Grand Cue medium tips


                  • glad ding knocked one out and stuck two fingers up to ronnie saint sullivan in doing so.....


                    • Originally Posted by andy carson View Post
                      glad ding knocked one out and stuck two fingers up to ronnie saint sullivan in doing so.....
                      I'm pretty sure during the tournament most players knocked one out TBH.


                      • in my opinion the "rocket" man has delivered his point by declining 147. only he knows true reason behind it so everything else is a speculation.
                        nonetheless it was a pleasure to witness it.


                        • Originally Posted by Erwan_BZH View Post
                          Late on the topic but here is my two cents: ROS is a bloody genius on the table and always a joy to watch BUT denying a blatant 147 to protest about the prize money allocated to a max is such a disgrace. OK, this guy knocks maxis for breakfast so it might be 'just another one' for him but man, just think about the fans, the audience, the people that actually PAID to see you play.
                          Had I been in the audience, I would have been mightily peeved to see this guy potting the pink on purpose and denying all the fans the chance to see a maximum live. I understand ROS's intention was to make a statement but this was disrespectful for all the people watching it...Geez if ten grands is nothing for him, he should realize it's a great amount of quids for a lot of people!!
                          I'm in complete agreement with you on this. Whichever way anyone wants to look at it, making a statement in this way is the wrong way to go about it. And I'm not even going into his reasons or if Ronnie is even in his rights to make such a statement the way he did. It all boils down to Ronnie disrespecting the (his!) audience watching the spectacle live...for them a 147 is a definitive highpoint in watching their beloved sport. Ronnie should at all times recognize this and go for the 147 (unless of course other factors deem it impossible to make the 147, in which case he should go for the highest break possible).
                          Last edited by daffie; 22 February 2016, 05:44 PM.


                          • Originally Posted by Erwan_BZH View Post
                            Late on the topic but here is my two cents: ROS is a bloody genius on the table and always a joy to watch BUT denying a blatant 147 to protest about the prize money allocated to a max is such a disgrace. OK, this guy knocks maxis for breakfast so it might be 'just another one' for him but man, just think about the fans, the audience, the people that actually PAID to see you play.
                            Had I been in the audience, I would have been mightily peeved to see this guy potting the pink on purpose and denying all the fans the chance to see a maximum live. I understand ROS's intention was to make a statement but this was disrespectful for all the people watching it...Geez if ten grands is nothing for him, he should realize it's a great amount of quids for a lot of people!!
                            Originally Posted by Erwan_BZH View Post
                            Late on the topic but here is my two cents: ROS is a bloody genius on the table and always a joy to watch BUT denying a blatant 147 to protest about the prize money allocated to a max is such a disgrace. OK, this guy knocks maxis for breakfast so it might be 'just another one' for him but man, just think about the fans, the audience, the people that actually PAID to see you play.
                            Had I been in the audience, I would have been mightily peeved to see this guy potting the pink on purpose and denying all the fans the chance to see a maximum live. I understand ROS's intention was to make a statement but this was disrespectful for all the people watching it...Geez if ten grands is nothing for him, he should realize it's a great amount of quids for a lot of people!!
                            I heard you the first time


                            • Originally Posted by Leo View Post
                              I'm pretty sure during the tournament most players knocked one out TBH.
                              I bet Selby has a few snaps in his wallet for such occasions.


                              • Ronnie could have gone about it in a much more constructive way. Just complaining that the 147 prizer is too low isn't enough and the players need to work out a way of improving it. Did Ronnie actually suggest anything that could be done to improve things? I doubt it.

                                Maybe a new way of calculating winnings for a 147 is to take in to account the players history such as ranking and years as a pro. The least experienced the player the more they win for a 147. Or there is a set fund and at the end of the season it's divided by all the players who scored a maximum.

