Originally Posted by ace man
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A misspent childhood is the main reason why individuals go on to become pro at their particular sport. As a youth, there is no fear of the game, no accountability to life so 100% dedication and love of the sport prevails IMO.
So does this mean that the current younger generation are not practicing all aspects of the game? Is this the reason why they can make centuries for fun, but don't know their way around the table like angle McManus?
The likes of Judd are now being schooled in real match play when it comes to the WC. I thought Judd looked the real deal this year after winning his first round match. But his game ultimately lacked all aspects of the game for him to become WC.
If Judd is to become WC one day, will this be in an era of high match play with Selby, Williams, Higgins and ROS still competing at a high level or will it happen after they've long gone? When one could argue that the standard of play is lower...