It's all a bit random isn't it?
Last 32 - Best of 19
Last 16 jump 6 to best of 25's,
Qf no extra frames at all,
Sf jump 8 to best of 33's,
Final jump 2 to best of 35's.
Given the first round matches are always split into 9 and 10 frames, the Sf could be 3 sessions of 10,10,11 best of 31, 4 less than the final. The Qf's 9,9,9 best of 27, 4 less than the semi's. Last 16, 8,8,7 best of 23, 4 less than the Qf's and leave the last 32 as they are as best of 19's, 4 less than the L16.
Last 32 - Best of 19
Last 16 jump 6 to best of 25's,
Qf no extra frames at all,
Sf jump 8 to best of 33's,
Final jump 2 to best of 35's.
Given the first round matches are always split into 9 and 10 frames, the Sf could be 3 sessions of 10,10,11 best of 31, 4 less than the final. The Qf's 9,9,9 best of 27, 4 less than the semi's. Last 16, 8,8,7 best of 23, 4 less than the Qf's and leave the last 32 as they are as best of 19's, 4 less than the L16.