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World Championship match discussions thread

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  • Well when you see ROS play like that you cant blame people for thinking that. Though with the standard in this day and age it's not likely he will superseed Hendry's record of 7 world titles
    "Statistics won't tell you much about me. I play for love, not records."



    • Originally Posted by spike View Post
      Well when you see ROS play like that you cant blame people for thinking that. Though with the standard in this day and age it's not likely he will superseed Hendry's record of 7 world titles
      I still think it's getting too carried away though I mean, the man is 32 (?) years old! The time is rapidly running out.


      • Originally Posted by doorag View Post
        I still think it's getting too carried away though I mean, the man is 32 (?) years old! The time is rapidly running out.
        The only thing thats declined with age with ROS is his long potting.

        He could still get to the w/c final and demolish Hendry with less than 50% long potting success though. :

        Imagine if his long potting was still as good now as when he was younger.

        Ronnie said he thinks he can be in the top 4 for another 4 seasons or so. To do that he will need to be there or there abouts at the 'business end' of tournanemnts. Seems realistic to me.
        "You can shove your snooker up your jacksie 'cos I aint playing no more!" Alex Higgins.


        • Give him the title already.


          • 32 is not that old bot i don't think ROS can win 7 world titles.


            • Considering there are only four players that look like they can win a tournament he could get to 4 or 5 but never ever ever 8.
              TSF World Champion 2010
              TSF Snooker Prediction Contest Overall Champion 2006/07
              BBC Snooker Prediction Contest Overall Champion 2005/06


              • Originally Posted by Alex0paul View Post
                Considering there are only four players that look like they can win a tournament he could get to 4 or 5 but never ever ever 8.
                For once i agree with one of your opinions about ROS...

                He may have the abilty to win 8, but so far he hasnt had the consistent mental discipline to win year after year.
                "You can shove your snooker up your jacksie 'cos I aint playing no more!" Alex Higgins.


                • I think 4 titles is pretty realistic for Ronnie. The man has certainly got a good few years left in him to play at the very highest level! His long potting may not be as good as it once was but it's still good compared to most, it's just that usually all aspects of his game are to such a high standard that it's surprising when he doesn't maintain that standard ie his potting
                  "Statistics won't tell you much about me. I play for love, not records."

                  ALEX HIGGINS


                  • Originally Posted by dannyd0g View Post
                    For once i agree with one of your opinions about ROS...

                    He may have the abilty to win 8, but so far he hasnt had the consistent mental discipline to win year after year.
                    I feel if he had the mental discipline he has now as when he was 24 he would have already passed Hendrys record of 7 world titles, but such is life.


                    • Post-match comments:

                      Stephen Hendry:

                      "Perhaps I should have had a lead after the first session but that’s by the by, today Ronnie was outstanding. I should have won the second and third frames, apart from that it’s the best anyone has played against me.

                      You always have to live in hope that he doesn’t come out and play like that again, but every time I played a shot his safety was outstanding. I said to him afterwards it’s the best safety I’ve ever seen. Every time he played safe I had no shot, you keep thinking the next time he can’t put it in an impossible place but he kept putting in places where I couldn’t do anything and whenever I missed he cleared up. It was outstanding snooker.

                      I thought he played fantastically, he’s the best player in the world at the moment by a country mile, the way he plays. I’m playing like that in practice but it’s about doing it out there. Ronnie is hitting the ball in a match like we hit it in practice. This afternoon I can’t remember him missing a ball or getting out of position on a ball, it was just awesome.

                      I’m absolutely gutted, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes you have to hold your hand up and admit the other guy was too good. There was nothing I could do today from the second and third frames. Even the last frame in the afternoon I went into the pack and landed on nothing, played a safety then he played a safety back and I had no shot. Then he cleared up.

                      It’s not a bad effort, you get to the semi-finals which is not a bad result given the season I’ve had. There are shots in the match I couldn’t play, it’s just so frustrating it’s like giving a handicap out. Even with the final pink the shot was to play round the angles but I just couldn’t play it. It’s a fault that has been with my game for 5 or 6 years and it’s a major handicap. I played solid against Ryan and Ding, I gave them chances and got away with it but it’s a major step up in class against Ronnie and I didn’t get away with it.

                      If I can get to the semi-final not playing my A game but my F game, if I can find a way of getting over the problem with my game then I can compete. But I had to rely on an all round game which isn’t the way I play snooker.

                      I’ve tried lots of different things but nothing has helped at the minute. It’s something I have to keep persevering with. In matches there are certain shots I’m refusing and not taking on. The worse thing is when you miss a shot you know where you’re going to miss it.

                      I have never been as comprehensively outplayed before, he beat me 17-4 four years ago but that was me basically that day, I was rubbish. But apart from two or three frames today there was nothing I could do. When you let him get a lead on you he’s unstoppable. He’s a different animal when you put pressure on him, but I didn’t."

                      Ronnie O'Sullivan:

                      "I'm really pleased. There were times when I felt really good and in control and did everything perfectly. It was a great feeling.

                      Were you pleased to be 4-4 after the first session?

                      It was a complete result. I thought 6-2 down would be ok, if it had gone 7-1 I would have struggled. I didn't want to give him a big lead. At 4-4 I was delighted, I felt like I'd won the session 7-1.

                      Hendry said that was the best anyone had ever played against him.

                      That compliment means more to me than anything anyone could give me. I remember watching him when I was 14 and he was God, and he still is to all of us snooker players.
                      He's the perfect role model and the best player there has ever been. My dad will be chuffed with what Stephen has said, it means a lot.

                      Given your talent, it's mystery that this is only your third world final.

                      It's a long story, I've book coming next year and it will take a bit of explaining. It's been tough, it's nothing to do with anything mentally, but it's only been this year that I've felt comfotable over the ball and confident. There have been times when I've been 9-1 up in finals and it still wasn't there and I wasn't getting satisfaction.

                      Is complacency a danger in the final?

                      I'll take nothing for granted, but I've been consistent all season and coming here I was confident I could do something. There have been hard times where I could have dug my own grave but I've come through that.

                      Steve Davis compared you to Tiger Woods and Roger Federer. Can you dominate snooker in the way they have dominated their sports?

                      I just come here to play and try to enjoy it, even if I'm losing. If you're not making silly unforced errors you've got a base to build on. I played Dott here in the semis a couple of years ago, and I should have played the whole match left-handed because at least I would have enjoyed it.

                      Did you feel any sympathy for Stephen?

                      No, because it's dangerous to do that. I've got massive respect for him and if you take your foot off the gas you can let him back into the game. There was a time in the match where I thought, he's my hero, he's a legend, it would have been great if this had been the final and a really close match. That would have been the ideal situation but you have to banish those thoughts and play the game.

                      Stephen [Actually it was Cliff Thorburn who said that] thinks you can beat his record of world titles. Does being more comfortable with your game make that more feasible?

                      It makes it more feasible, there are always incentives to try to keep yourself motivated. How I'm still playing this game I don't know, because there have been days when I felt so ill and depressed, and I fell out of love with the game. I know what I can do on the table and it's a beautiful feeling when it comes. I had it for glimpses today but glimpses are not enough. "
                      Last edited by hegeland; 2 May 2008, 11:41 PM.


                      • Thanks for that hedgeland that was very interesting espeically with what Hendry said
                        "Statistics won't tell you much about me. I play for love, not records."

                        ALEX HIGGINS


                        • Saturday May 3
                          Allister Carter 9-7 Joe Perry
                          Allister Carter x-x Joe Perry


                          • Could be a long match today. I think Carter is the better player , playing more fluently anyway. But Perry won't give up easily, this is an unique and unexpected opportunity for him to reach the final. Carter favorite to me.
                            I saw that going differently in my mind


                            • Ronnie's safety game yesterday was superb indeed, best I've ever seen from him.

                              Btw, any of you know how many players have won both the UK & WC in the same season? I know Hendry's done it but is there anyone else? And Davis I suppose..!
                              Last edited by doorag; 3 May 2008, 08:18 AM.


                              • Hege , thanks a lot for the post-match interviews. Great statement from Hendo , indeed , wasn't much he could do considering the way Ronnie played. Was a good match , pity it wasn't more close, but it had nice breaks in it and needless to say outstanding snooker performance from ROS.
                                Fingers crossed for the final, to be honest i cant imagine him not winning this one..tho with ROS one can never be sure.
                                Mon the Rocket!:snooker:

                                PS. ME a bit late with what I'm about to write, but I've just noticed that Hege is one of our MODS now and i want to say Congrats to him , and also Congrats to the one who had this idea to appoint Hege for this job, couldn't have made a better decision... Hege's always been a great poster ( among my top 3 fav) and I'm sure hes doing great as a mod.
                                Sorry for being off topic here...
                                "I just want to live for the moment.Tomorrow's not important, next month is not important,what's happened in the past is not important.That's my journey... and I like the journey i'm on!" R.O'Sullivan
                                Winner of 2008 UK Championship Prediction Contest
                                Winner of 2010 China Open Prediction Contest

