Davis 3 - 4 Bingham
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China Open 2007 - Results and Discussions
Williams lost 5-1He'll be out of the top 16 soon.
You play a long slow deadweight red to a corner pocket. As it approaches the pocket, a kamikaze woodlouse crawls out from under the cushion and makes its way across the table, conflicting with the path of the red precisely at the point the red gets there. The red, needless to say, veers off course, and the future of the woodlouse is uncertain. - The Statman
It's fantastic to see all these fans of Steve, contrary to the situation in the 80s. Come on Steve!
44-54 BinghamJeff Jones: ...what is your strongest snooker memory?
Steve Davis: My psychotherapist has told me not to talk about this...!
Andrew A. : I'd like to see you and John Virgo together.
Steve Davis: The video's banned.