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Jamie Cope maximum

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  • Jamie Cope maximum

    Just turned on German eurosport online. watching ronnie and perry play.

    Heard the commentors in german what i think was a maximum by jamie cope against mark williams in frame 7 on the other table

    You saw it here first hopefully

  • #2
    Yes, just looked on GSC and it's confirmed on there.


    • #3
      congrats Jamie


      • #4
        Great achievement! Anyone knows how long it took? Hopefully someone can upload it later, I'm not sure Eurosport caught it on tape..


        • #5
          Happened in frame 3 not 7...and i think there are not cameras on that table so no chance to see the break, at least our commentators said so..
          "I just want to live for the moment.Tomorrow's not important, next month is not important,what's happened in the past is not important.That's my journey... and I like the journey i'm on!" R.O'Sullivan
          Winner of 2008 UK Championship Prediction Contest
          Winner of 2010 China Open Prediction Contest


          • #6
            How much money Cope gets for this if it's not equaled during the tournament?


            • #7
              It should be on this link, but it doesn´t work on my computer.

              ....its not called potting its called snooker. Quote: WildJONESEYE
              "Its called snooker not potting" Quote: Rory McLeod


              • #8
                I was trying to watch it, but unfortunatley the chinese link is very slow and i can only manage to watch in 3-4 second bursts then it buffers for another 10 secs. Saw 50% of it though.
                I love the game of snooker :) (even though my mates think that its just a load of balls :D )


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by jaguarf1 View Post
                  How much money Cope gets for this if it's not equaled during the tournament?
                  TV High Break £2,000

                  TV Maximum £20,000

                  According to GSC
                  "I just want to live for the moment.Tomorrow's not important, next month is not important,what's happened in the past is not important.That's my journey... and I like the journey i'm on!" R.O'Sullivan
                  Winner of 2008 UK Championship Prediction Contest
                  Winner of 2010 China Open Prediction Contest


                  • #10
                    It was a good one, very confident. The balls were set well for it but Cope didn't make any mistakes or have to make any recovery shots.

                    I didn't time it but I'd guess around 8 minutes, about Cope's usual rhythm. Very little celebration afterwards but I think that's mostly because there wasn't much of a crowd. Didn't upset Cope's concentration anyway - he came out and made a 96 I think in the next frame.

                    As I speak then Cope's had breaks of 72, 147 and 96 and he's 3-2 down. Tough game.
                    Last edited by Robert602; 2 October 2008, 11:18 PM.


                    • #11
                      Just seen the maximum again, and boy did he twitch on that last pink
                      I love the game of snooker :) (even though my mates think that its just a load of balls :D )


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by Ellena View Post
                        TV High Break £2,000

                        TV Maximum £20,000

                        According to GSC
                        thanks for info


                        • #13
                          Is it me but do maximums these days not seem so 'special'? maybe special is the wrong word but you know what i mean, when Thorburn, Stevens and Jimmy got theres it just seemed to me like it meant so much more, I've just seen the Jamie Cope one and he barely raised a smile, maybe due to lack of crowd perhaps, but people like Ronnie do one in like 5-8 minutes and its like 'oh another maximum'

                          I still love to see one but it seems we just expect them more now :snooker:
                          After 15 reds and 15 blacks i did this


                          • #14
                            One of the ROS - Perry games is already on YouTube so hopefully someone will up the Cope 147.




                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by noel View Post
                              so hopefully someone will up the Cope 147.


                              [ BaddaBum Tish! ]

