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Ding V Lee * 19/1/7

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  • Ding V Lee * 19/1/7

    Starting this thread so that we can post information about this match to help other members of the site keep up to speed on whats happening in the match (if they cant watch live scoring or watch the match [due to work etc...])

    jan verhaas is the referee. match starts in a minute or two

  • #2
    Thanks !
    You play a long slow deadweight red to a corner pocket. As it approaches the pocket, a kamikaze woodlouse crawls out from under the cushion and makes its way across the table, conflicting with the path of the red precisely at the point the red gets there. The red, needless to say, veers off course, and the future of the woodlouse is uncertain. - The Statman


    • #3
      "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Semih_Sayginer again."
      You play a long slow deadweight red to a corner pocket. As it approaches the pocket, a kamikaze woodlouse crawls out from under the cushion and makes its way across the table, conflicting with the path of the red precisely at the point the red gets there. The red, needless to say, veers off course, and the future of the woodlouse is uncertain. - The Statman


      • #4
        ding will be in semifinal against hendry and in the final..against it good?


        • #5
          frame 1

          L=Lee and D=Ding

          L gets in and pots a good red, but misses the brown.

          D gets in and starts to make a break..including an early made plant....

          the black and pink are tied up and D fails to get on a red off of the blue

          D plays safe
          L pots a long red from D's safety.
          L pots a yellow to yellow pocket
          L pots a red to LC. finishes straightish on the blue
          L pots the brown to RC. he fails to bring the black into play from that shot

          not on a red, L plays safe

          9 L v D 20

          8 reds left

          D plays a shot to nothing and goes in off in the green pocket


          L plays safe from baulk but makes a pigs ear of it.
          D has a go at a tricky red to LC and misses by a long way.

          L pots red to RC
          L pots blue to LM
          L pots red to yellow pocket
          L pots blue to RM

          not on a red, L plays safe


          to continue.........


          • #6
            Semih,good least post the result after each frame.
            I am a gooner!


            • #7
              frame 1 continued

              26-20 to L

              the reds are all tied up next to the black. a wee meeting perhaps?

              more safeties

              D misses the reds

              30-20 to L

              L misses a red.
              D plays L into a snooker.
              L hits a red.

              more safety play.
              both players not into their stride, but some good safety shots.

              L catches the LM knuckle escaping from a snooker.

              D pots a red to LC
              D pots pink to RM
              D pots red to RM
              D pots pink to LM

              3 reds left. all on the black cushion.

              D plays a pot but ensures the white goes to baulk. missed red.

              safety play

              30 L v D 38

              to continue.............


              • #8
                frame 1 conclusion

                D snookers L
                L misses the reds. foul 4, ball replaced
                L misses the reds. foul 5, balls replaced
                L misses the reds. foul 4, ball replaced

                30-51 in D's favour

                L misses the reds. foul 4. ball replaced


                L hits a red. applause from the crowd.

                D pots a good long red to yellow posket. not on a colour

                D walks to baulk to size up where hes leaving the cueball

                D plays a good safety and snookers L behind the brown

                L escapes the snooker first time. very good shot

                D plays safe off a red, bringing one red into play

                L plays a safety, trying to bring awkward balls out into play

                D plays safe

                L misses a long red and leaves D in.

                D pots a red to LC and then a blue to RM
                D pots the last red to RC
                D misses the pink to LC

                30 L v D 63

                L returns to the table needing 2 snookers

                the green, pink and black are all near cushions

                D flukes the yellow from a safety

                frame over

                1-0 to Ding

                frame 2 starts soon


                • #9
                  Yay Thanks Semih
                  You play a long slow deadweight red to a corner pocket. As it approaches the pocket, a kamikaze woodlouse crawls out from under the cushion and makes its way across the table, conflicting with the path of the red precisely at the point the red gets there. The red, needless to say, veers off course, and the future of the woodlouse is uncertain. - The Statman


                  • #10
                    frame 2 starts with D playing a great long red at pace to RC, the white bouncing on the cloth a few times due to him cueing down on the cueball......

                    D gets in a start picking the reds off, with colours

                    hes just potted a black to RC taking his break to 29

                    D pots red to RM, and gets a kick, so not great shape on next colour
                    D pots blue to LM
                    D misses a red to LM

                    35-0 to D so far in frame 2

                    10 reds left, 9 still in the cluster

                    L pots the only open red
                    L misses yellow to yellow pocket. he misses the cluster of reds too.
                    D plays safe into the pack
                    L plays safe.
                    D opens the pack and leaves L a red

                    L pots a red to RC
                    L pots blue to LM. he doesnt get any luck with his nudge on the reds.

                    touching ball. safety to baulk behind green. good shot.

                    D hits the blue in his attempt to escape the snooker. balls replaced.
                    D misses the reds. miss. ball replaced.
                    D hits the pink. miss. balls replaced.
                    D misses the reds. miss. ball replaced.
                    D misses the reds. miss. ball replaced.
                    D misses the reds. miss. ball replaced.

                    D hits in his 7th attempt. good shot (tricky layout)

                    34 L v D 35

                    to continue........


                    • #11
                      frame 2 conclusion

                      D is the first person to get back scoring properly with a red to RC and a tellow to LC

                      he then pots....

                      R to RC
                      P to LM 10
                      R to LC 11
                      P to RM 17
                      R to RC 18
                      P to LM 24
                      R to RC 25. cannons two awkward reds, but not a great outcome. unlucky

                      he overcuts black to LC

                      score is............. 34 L v 60 D

                      L pots a long red to yellow pocket 35/60
                      L pots black to LC with top to arc the cue ball onto the cushion twice and cannon the 2 reds. great shot.

                      L pots a red, then a pink, then the last red to RC
                      L is on the black
                      brown ball is "kissing" the green which is on its own spot
                      L pots the black, but not on the yellow.

                      57 V 60. he plats a loose safety.

                      D misses yellow to RC

                      safety play continues

                      L misses the yellow to RC and it stays in the jaws. D is snookered.
                      D misses the yellow. miss. not replaced.
                      L pots the yellow and opens the green and brown
                      L pots green to RM
                      L pots brown to LM
                      L pots blue to RM
                      and pink

                      frame over

                      1 frame each

                      frame 3 up soon......


                      • #12
                        Highest break from the players so far: Lee 23 Ding 35....


                        • #13
                          Lee is trying to slow things down a bit, Ding rushes the shots. Both players are really struggling out there today.


                          • #14
                            Ding misses the last red, an easy shot. Lee clears to brown, Ding misses the safety on the blue. Lee pots blue. Safety on the pink. Great double on the pink by Ding!! Then he misses a really easy black.

                            Lee pots the black and takes the lead 2-1.

                            Frame score: Lee 52-39 Ding


                            • #15
                              frame 3 has started slowly with both players having a chance but not making much out of it.

                              D has snookered L and L has left D in.
                              D pots a red the misses the brown

                              6 L v D 17

                              D pots a red to LM and the white goes in off to RC

                              L plays safe off of a red in baulk.

                              7 reds left

                              D misses, miss. replaced.
                              D hits a red, but leaves L in with a decent chance.

                              L pots red, black, red......

                              L misses pink to RC

                              23 L v 17 D

                              D has a great chance to win the frame

                              D pots red, yellow, red, brown.......

                              D pots red to RC, screws up to baulk

                              D pots brown but the cuebal flicks the green and so hes not good on next red

                              D misses red to LC with the rest
                              L misses red
                              D pots red, then yellow

                              D misses the last red to RC

                              23 L v 33 D

                              L pots red to RC
                              L pots black to LC with reverse side and screws back off the cushion...

                              L pots yellow to yellow pocket
                              L pots green to green pocket
                              L pots brown to yellow pocket..not on blue as he tried to flick the pink out from the cushion
                              L misses the blue to RC

                              L gets run of the ball there to leave D hampered
                              D plays a loose shot, but it was very difficult..
                              L pots the blue to LC

                              45 - 33 to L

                              pink and black left

                              L plays safe. bad shot

                              D cross doubles the pink to the green pocket
                              D misses the black to LC

                              black ball game

                              45-39 to L

                              L pots a good black to the yellow pocket

                              2-1 to Lee

                              frame 4 up soon

