Originally Posted by freppe
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UK championship match discussion thread
I'm just watching the live scoring. I don't mean the one on Eurosport. It's waay behind. Gave up on streaming cause my connection never seems to be fast enoughNow I'm just imagining what is going on... Pathetic...
"Genuine honesty, assuming that this is our virtue and we cannot get rid of it, we free spirits – well then, we will want to work on it with all the love and malice at our disposal, and not get tired of ‘perfecting’ ourselves in our virtue, the only one we have left: may its glory come to rest like a gilded, blue evening glow of mockery over this aging culture and its dull and dismal seriousness!"Nietzshe
Looks like 3-0 ronnie.You play a long slow deadweight red to a corner pocket. As it approaches the pocket, a kamikaze woodlouse crawls out from under the cushion and makes its way across the table, conflicting with the path of the red precisely at the point the red gets there. The red, needless to say, veers off course, and the future of the woodlouse is uncertain. - The Statman