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Snooker History

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  • Snooker History

    Hi, to anyone who doesn't know me (i.e. not those from the BBC FiveLive boards), I am something of a snooker and billiards historian. I dont claim to know everything, of course, but I do have a very extensive collection of books, magazines, programmes, video's and DVD's at my disposal. If anyone has any questions on the games history, I will do my bet to answer them.

    Even if I dont have the answer, it often makes for good discussion.

  • #2
    Hi Cyril

    Are you good tempered or bad tempered today ?
    Mon the Rocket


    • #3
      Hi Cessy143, I am of good temper today, thanks, despite being stuck in an office with no air-con, on a bright, hot, sunny afternoon.


      • #4
        Thanks Cyril -

        If you like, I can create a section dedicated to Snooker History for you.

        You could then go in on a daily basis and do a 'this day in history' thread or post something to spark discussion.



        • #5
          I knew you were of good temper today as your first post was very friendly and welcoming. I am also stuck in a stuffy office but it is'nt sunny outside where i am.

          So how far back in the history of the game does your books, tapes etc go??
          Mon the Rocket


          • #6
            hi cyril,hows things


            • #7
              Great idea Curtis, if i may say so.
              Mon the Rocket


              • #8
                Thats very kind of you Curtis, though a daily slot might be a tall ask. Have you ever seen my website? It is some time since I have had time to update it.

                Hi John!

                Cessy143, I have billiard books dating back to the 1890's although many books will include a snooker history going back to the origins and Field Marshall Sir Neville Chamberlain. The earliest magazines I have are 1950's. The earliest moving film footage of any note that I have is probably of Tom Reece, Melbourne Inman, Walter Lindrum, Claude Falkiner, Joe Davis, Willie Smith and co. Early 20's.


                • #9
                  Well, I will make a section for this and if you feel the need to do a 'this day in history', it will be there for you

                  It may be a good place for others to ask historic questions or add their own as well.


                  • #10
                    OK, I'm sure other's may well be interested to post on it too.

                    Curtis, what do you know about the early Canadian snooker players?


                    • #11
                      Not much


                      • #12
                        Well, there were only three who ever travelled to Britiain to play in the Worlds Championships. The first was Conrad Stanbury in 1935, followed by Clare O'Donnell and then George Chenier in 1950. I know few things about each of them but I wondered if any more is known about them in Cananda? I think probably little is known about the first two but I would think there are still folk aout there who have memories of Chenier, who was also an excellent pool player.


                        • #13
                          Cyril, you're not that guy on who claims he has hundereds of DVD's including 60 DVDs from this years WC, are you?


                          • #14
                            No, that isn't me hegeland. I do have over 200 vids though, I only managed to get around 15 hours of this years play. I have not had a chance to log just what I did get! I have no idea!


                            • #15
                              Course not. Cyril has not entered the dvd erae yet. He is still in VHS mode. haaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

