I am trying to stay away from paying for Eurosport/Discovery+ but I'm sure I'll end up paying seen as they are sneakily missing whole sessions of finals and other important games by only putting them on Discovery+.
I think BBC is absolutely superior, certainly for the World's. Not on the actual channels as they are on BBC 2 for an hour, then changing onto BBC 4 for an hour. So quite annoying. But their 'red button' iPlayer every game live function is second to none. And I prefer the pundits on BBC. I like McManus on Eurosport but not so much Jimmy White who just answers O Sullivan to 99% of his questions cos he's his mate. I love Ronnie as much as the next man but sometimes someone plays better than him.
Who's the favourite for this tournament Jimmy? For me it's O Sullivan. What, even though Robertson, Trump and Higgins beat him on a regular basis? Yeah, when I've played him in practise he's playing really well. Yeah that's cos it's against you Jimmy!
I think BBC is absolutely superior, certainly for the World's. Not on the actual channels as they are on BBC 2 for an hour, then changing onto BBC 4 for an hour. So quite annoying. But their 'red button' iPlayer every game live function is second to none. And I prefer the pundits on BBC. I like McManus on Eurosport but not so much Jimmy White who just answers O Sullivan to 99% of his questions cos he's his mate. I love Ronnie as much as the next man but sometimes someone plays better than him.
Who's the favourite for this tournament Jimmy? For me it's O Sullivan. What, even though Robertson, Trump and Higgins beat him on a regular basis? Yeah, when I've played him in practise he's playing really well. Yeah that's cos it's against you Jimmy!