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Snooker mini Games

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  • Snooker mini Games

    Hi all,

    i want to collect some snooker mini Games here.
    When we do our Training Sessions, there are frequently questions about mini Games to challenge each other or just challenge myself.

    I saw one funny mini game on Stephen Hendrys channel.
    You set just 6 reds up under the pink spot and the white is in the D. Then you split the reds and must pot as many reds as you can in 60 seconds. When the white stops, you can play the next shot.
    it’s funny, fast and breaks the normal quiet training atmosphere.

    Another game is that two players stand von each site of the black spot. Only black is spotted. The white is ball in hand. You have to pot the black an screw the white to your cushion. Or play the follow through to the opponents cushion. On that point where the white contacts the cushion, you place a ball. On the next shot you must try not hit the placed ball and get a contact on another area of the cushion. When the white hits a placed ball you lost the game. It’s a kind of penalty kick in football. You can play this method on every spot of the colours.

    i hope the description is clear enough to get the main goals.

    Maybe there are more of these little games in your heads. ☺️
