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Playing with mobile phone.

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  • Playing with mobile phone.

    Hey all!

    Right, we have all done that, been there (I assume).
    When our mobile rings we answer it, some finish of their conversation before resuming, others carrie on playing whilst speaking on the phone (like me )

    Its not being impolite, I understand it if my oppenent takes a call, don't bother me. I just carry on if it was me, so my opponent doesn't have to wait.

    The question is do you play better whilst talking and playing?
    I find I do. I pot and see angles better when I'm speaking on the phone whilst playing, and down on my shot. I've made 30+ whilst on the phone before a few times in match, and have more consistency.

    Why is this?

    Anyone has any ideas?

    Theres been times where I imagine I'm using the phone whilst playing to try help me, but its just not the same when its not there

    K feed back people

  • #2
    Well my club does not allow mobile phones in the snooker hall at all so I wouldn't know but I am guessing that when you are on the phone you are concentrating on the call so much that you don't have to think about all those silly things that go through your head when you are down on a shot like - Am I putting too much side on, Will this go in - I'll look stupid if I don;t pot this one etc etc etc


    • #3
      Originally Posted by nam1977 View Post
      Hey all!

      Right, we have all done that, been there (I assume).
      When our mobile rings we answer it, some finish of their conversation before resuming, others carrie on playing whilst speaking on the phone (like me )

      Its not being impolite, I understand it if my oppenent takes a call, don't bother me. I just carry on if it was me, so my opponent doesn't have to wait.

      The question is do you play better whilst talking and playing?
      I find I do. I pot and see angles better when I'm speaking on the phone whilst playing, and down on my shot. I've made 30+ whilst on the phone before a few times in match, and have more consistency.

      Why is this?

      Anyone has any ideas?

      Theres been times where I imagine I'm using the phone whilst playing to try help me, but its just not the same when its not there

      K feed back people
      I think Ferret has it 100% right, here, you aren't being distracted by stray thoughts and you're just doing the job, however, my question is this: Are you playing one-handed?!? 30-odd one-handed! If it is that, then that's not bad, pal!
      Il n'y a pas de problemes; il n'y a que des solutions qu'on n'a pas encore trouvées.

      "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put in a fruit salad." Brian O'Driscoll.


      • #4
        I cant play on the phone i always find it a handful with a cue a pint and a packet of ready salted.....I would need more arms.


        • #5
          My friend can play one handed pretty well. He rests the cue on his chin and the cue on the cusion, he can still screw the ball back about 5 feet like that which i personally find insane.
          sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


          • #6
            Playing with mobile phone...

            Might be a bit tricky to get deep screw, I suppose


            • #7
              Originally Posted by vainparasite View Post
              I cant play on the phone i always find it a handful with a cue a pint and a packet of ready salted.....I would need more arms.
              i prefere Salt n Vinegar ...

              Snooker is made more difficult because we have brains and we think (whats happened before, can i pot this because i missed a similar pot before etc) if we played on instinct it becomes easier......i wont say easy because snooker is far from easy but we talk ourself out of a good shot with whats gone before.


              • #8
                Nam if you play with your phone tomorrow in my club I will throw you out!

                No phones im afraid buddy especially as a commitee member it wont look good on me
                Always play snooker with a smile on your face...You never know when you'll pot your last ball.

                China Open 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.
                Shanghai Masters 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.


                • #9
                  I personally prefer a more relaxed atmosphere in a snooker club. It annoys me no end when people can't even be bothered to put there phones on silent, but when i get a call i answer it then go out to the smoking balcony to talk. We don't have complete silence in our club, you can chat and we have reasonably quiet music being played in teh background.
                  sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by RGCirencester View Post
                    I personally prefer a more relaxed atmosphere in a snooker club. It annoys me no end when people can't even be bothered to put there phones on silent, but when i get a call i answer it then go out to the smoking balcony to talk. We don't have complete silence in our club, you can chat and we have reasonably quiet music being played in teh background.
                    Hey RGC. Come along to chat.

                    Quiet music is still too loud IMo
                    Always play snooker with a smile on your face...You never know when you'll pot your last ball.

                    China Open 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.
                    Shanghai Masters 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.


                    • #11
                      I was at the club on Friday and there was a small group of lads playing on the table next to me. One of them received a phone call and continued to have a conversation for what felt like 30 minutes, continually shouting and swearing. The hall is never silent but it seemed pretty disrespectful to the other members. There were quite a few people playing and it seemed this was notably distracting a few.

                      Whilst this is going on his friends continually circled the table like some bird of prey eyeing up their next shot, completely oblivious to the fact that I was trying a pot myself. In that instance it'd probably have been a good idea to politely ask them if I could have a bit of space, but I'm still a relative "new-comer" to the club and so I don't want to be making a scene with any locals... Not least for the fact that in those sorts of situations I'm pretty shy!


                      • #12
                        There's always someone, or a band of someones, isn't there? What I don't understand is why the club personnel didn't do anything about it. That is also your solution, instead of making a scene, you go to the bar and ask the staff to do something about the situation; they should know everyone and be trained in how to handle this sort of thing. That way, even if you're shy, it's no bother!
                        Il n'y a pas de problemes; il n'y a que des solutions qu'on n'a pas encore trouvées.

                        "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put in a fruit salad." Brian O'Driscoll.


                        • #13
                          I didn't mean to get any negativity from this.
                          I'm not loud on the phone, just spoken quietly for a couple of mins.
                          I'm not a roudy person, trust me I hate roudy people.

                          I don't play with one hand though, I netsle the phone between my shoulder and ear on my bridge arm side.
                          Some how doing this I seem to play better.
                          I know what you guys are saying about the mental distraction though, and that could be a factor.
                          So how do I achieve this state without using a phone.
                          So annoying when I come of it to miss shots again.
                          when opponents talk to me whilst playing my shot, or talking to them back doesn't cause the same desired effect.
                          So I think it has something to do with the way my head is resting mostly.

                          Oh well, I'll try playing with a brick to my ear next time and see how that goes


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by nam1977 View Post
                            I didn't mean to get any negativity from this. No worries, Nam, it wasn't you the problem!
                            I'm not loud on the phone, just spoken quietly for a couple of mins.
                            I'm not a roudy person, trust me I hate roudy people. Me too.

                            I don't play with one hand though, I netsle the phone between my shoulder and ear on my bridge arm side. How do you do that?!?
                            Some how doing this I seem to play better. I don't understand how!
                            I know what you guys are saying about the mental distraction though, and that could be a factor.
                            So how do I achieve this state without using a phone.
                            So annoying when I come of it to miss shots again.
                            when opponents talk to me whilst playing my shot, or talking to them back doesn't cause the same desired effect.
                            So I think it has something to do with the way my head is resting mostly.

                            Oh well, I'll try playing with a brick to my ear next time and see how that goes
                            A brick might be a bit too extreme, no? Perhaps it's something to do with your head position which makes you sight better?
                            Il n'y a pas de problemes; il n'y a que des solutions qu'on n'a pas encore trouvées.

                            "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put in a fruit salad." Brian O'Driscoll.


                            • #15
                              The only exception for my money is an "emergency" and i do mean an emergency, not " oh can you pick up a tub of clover on your way home" other than that phones have no place in a snooker hall. Its just bloody ignorance.

                              If clubs do allow them then they should be on vibrate, nothing more nothing less.
                              Its not how well you play its how good you look playing that counts!

