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Spotting Colours

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  • Spotting Colours

    Is it correct that top cushion is the one which is close to the black ball and bottom cushion is the one close to the baulk colours ? If yes, then would the striker be snookered by the spotted green if the cue ball comes to rest at or very close to the green's spot after it has been potted ?

    (f) If all spots are occupied, the colour shall be placed as near its own spot as possible, between that spot and the nearest part of the top cushion.
    Last edited by Hyperonic; 13 April 2009, 06:55 PM.

  • #2
    short answer... yes..

    as long as no reds are on the side cusions near the baulk end or in the baulk end itself.
    sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


    • #3
      Hyperonic, you need to say where the reds or any other ball(s) on are located in your example, without this knowledge albeit that the respotting would normally be on the top or black cushion side in a direct line perpendicular, the nearest part of or, to the top cushion. How can we say whether you would be snookered on all the red balls, if they are the balls on, if we don't know where they are?

      Are you suggesting that all points on the table between the green spot and the top cushion are already occupied? I don't think this is quite possible since the black, pink, blue and brown spot would also have to be covered, not enough balls you see
      Last edited by moglet; 13 April 2009, 08:39 PM.


      • #4
        The cue ball stopped 1/2 an inch or so in front of the green's spot in the direction of top cushion and no red ball was available on the bottom side of the table. So would green be spotted behind the cue ball or in front of the cue ball ?


        • #5
          Originally Posted by Hyperonic View Post
          The cue ball stopped 1/2 an inch or so in front of the green's spot in the direction of top cushion and no red ball was available on the bottom side of the table. So would green be spotted behind the cue ball or in front of the cue ball ?
          OK ... I think I see where you are coming from - I'm not quite sure but I'll have a go ...

          You have just potted the green and the white has come to rest just on the blue side of the green spot and stopping the green from being respotted on it's own spot ...

          In that case, the green should go on the black spot if available, or next the pink spot, or next the blue spot, or next the brown spot ... ie highest spot available ...

          If all those are occupied, the green goes as close to it's own spot as possible in a direct line with the top cushion without touching another ball ... in this case, that would be on the blue side of the white ...

          Of course, the green would be closer to it's own spot if it was placed the baulk side of the white (remember the green spot is obstructed) but that is not what the rules say ... the green has to be placed towards the black end of the table even if that means it is further away from it's own spot because of the white ball covering it's spot ...


          • #6
            DandyA has it exactly right.

            As mentioned, all balls, if needing spotting with no spot available, are positioned directly towards the black end of the table, as close as possible to its spot without touching another ball.

            If you think of the times the pink is to be spotted and is put at the back of the pack, it would be much closer to its spot if it were put towards the blue rather than towards the black. But the rules state that all balls are placed black-side so there can be no argument as to which side would be closest.


            • #7
              Originally Posted by The Statman View Post
              DandyA has it exactly right.

              As mentioned, all balls, if needing spotting with no spot available, are positioned directly towards the black end of the table, as close as possible to its spot without touching another ball.

              If you think of the times the pink is to be spotted and is put at the back of the pack, it would be much closer to its spot if it were put towards the blue rather than towards the black. But the rules state that all balls are placed black-side so there can be no argument as to which side would be closest.

              So that means that after green has been potted, if the cue ball comes to rest occupying wholly or partially green's spot with all other spots occupied and all red balls near the pack then green would be placed in front of the cue ball and hence cue ball will be snookered by green, rather than placing it behind the cue ball in which case the cue ball will not be snookered, right ?
              Last edited by Hyperonic; 14 April 2009, 11:33 AM.


              • #8
                Originally Posted by Hyperonic View Post
                So that means that after green has been potted, if the cue ball comes to rest occupying wholly or partially green's spot with all other spots occupied and all red balls near the pack then green would be placed in front of the cue ball and hence cue ball will be snookered by green, right ?
                Yes, that's right.


                • #9
                  I should have uploaded this picture in my first post
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Hyperonic; 14 April 2009, 11:45 AM.


                  • #10
                    Yes it's exactly as you've drawn.


                    • #11
                      (c) Any colour incorrectly missing from the table will be spotted:

                      The rule doesn't state when it will be spotted. When sighted during the striker's break, will it be spotted immediately or after the break has finished ?

                      (i) without penalty when discovered if missing due to previous oversight,

                      The referee cannot be penalized for his mistake but the opponent player acting as a referee can be penalized for oversight in a social game. So will he be penalized ?

                      (g) In the case of Pink and Black, if all spots are occupied and there is no available space between the relevant spot and the nearest part of the top cushion, the colour shall be placed as near to its own spot as possible on the centre line of the table below the spot.

                      How can pink be placed on the centre line below the spot when there is no space available ?
                      Last edited by Hyperonic; 14 April 2009, 01:11 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by Hyperonic View Post
                        (c) Any colour incorrectly missing from the table will be spotted:

                        The rule doesn't state when it will be spotted. When sighted during the striker's break, will it be spotted immediately or after the break has finished ?
                        It will immediately be spotted. If a shot is taken place then of course wait until all the balls have come to rest, and then spotted.
                        (i) without penalty when discovered if missing due to previous oversight,

                        The referee cannot be penalized for his mistake but the opponent player acting as a referee can be penalized for oversight in a social game. So will he be penalized ?
                        Only the striker can be penalised in snooker, except for the specific instances mentioned in the rules, so the non-striker cannot be penalised even if he is acting as the referee in a game without an official.

                        The exceptions are (a) touching or moving the ball marker while the referee is cleaning a ball; and (b) touching or moving the balls when being replaced after a Miss. In both cases, the Rules state that the non-striker "will be penalised as if he were the striker"
                        (g) In the case of Pink and Black, if all spots are occupied and there is no available space between the relevant spot and the nearest part of the top cushion, the colour shall be placed as near to its own spot as possible on the centre line of the table below the spot.

                        How can pink be placed on the centre line below the spot when there is no space available ?
                        Read again the part that you quoted, and then ask if you're still not sure! [Hint: you've worked out that "below" the spot means, towards the "bottom" cushion, whereas towards the "top" cushion would be "above"...]


                        • #13
                          Thanks, got it.

