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John Parris, Ultimate cue

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  • #31
    There's nothing wrong with self indulgence.


    • #32
      Its not like people spend 300 pounds on a leather case when a 60 pound aluminium one would do is it
      sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


      • #33
        I always liked the quote from the movie, Gone in 60 seconds...
        "There's too many self indulgent weiners in this city with too much bloody money."
        Don't get me wrong...I am NOT implying that here.


        • #34
          Originally Posted by barracuda911 View Post
          I always liked the quote from the movie, Gone in 60 seconds...
          "There's too many self indulgent weiners in this city with too much bloody money."
          Don't get me wrong...I am NOT implying that here.
          blimey its only £75 quid lol


          • #35
            I have seen mini with points but this one has a single face with a veneers, plus a badge. I think it is really neat. I like it a lot.
            I assume that the badges all line up when the mini is screwed on, is that right?


            • #36
              Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
              I have seen mini with points but this one has a single face with a veneers, plus a badge. I think it is really neat. I like it a lot.
              I assume that the badges all line up when the mini is screwed on, is that right?
              yes when its screwed on the badges line up perfectly.


              • #37
                A lot of mastercraft custom cues are the same. (Doesnt cost 75 pounds for the mini butt though lol)
                sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


                • #38
                  btw, who gives a flyin turd what cue your opponent uses.. (unless ur as sad as me and you look!)
                  if your a new starter and can just about manage a 20 something and really fancy the best, well why not get yourself a parris, wooldridge or a trevor.
                  if you knock in regular 50s and 60s and prefer your argos special, well fair play fella!
                  aint life good... we all have that choice.. lets just play snooker, and enjoy!


                  • #39
                    I ordered a Ultimate Cue from John Parris March 08.

                    I told him I wanted it the same As Steve Davis. As close to the grain as Steve's and the joint in the same place Ect. Anyway at the time he said that Steve's cue had a bell end on the end of the Butt and that it flayed out to 32mm. I then kept going to all of the matches I could to have a close look at this Butt as I had never noticed.

                    Finally last Oct John said that it was ready, then apparently it went missing and I didn't get it, he phoned the courier company and they didn't know where it was. John then said that he could re make it by middle of Feb of March. With my Deposit refunded £100

                    In Dec still doubting John's knowledge of Steve's cue, I approached Steve and with a little persuading he let me have a look at the Butt of his cue, not to my surprise it wasn't flayed out much at all and definitely wasn't 32mm, his extension was standard, and fitting in flush, so 30mm. I imediately rang John up and he admitted that he hadn't had a good look at Steve's cue for 20 years. He said if I wanted it right it would take longer, and he would get Steve to bring it in.

                    In Feb John said he had seen Steve's cue took measurements and Photos.

                    March need to balance cue and oil Ect.

                    Should be ready Middle of May he said. I said I wanted to pick up from shop, after what happened with the other one, he said the shop was being renovated and he has offered to meet me on Motorway Halfway.

                    It better be worth it when I finally get it or I will definitely pester him till I'm happy with it.

                    And so the wait goes on.


                    • #40
                      i just got an email saying that he will give the cue by june end or july max,i seriously dont know how many more weeks or months its gonna take.

                      i have noticed one thing that parris cues dont have too many happy customers.
                      RIP NOEL, A TRUE TSF LEGEND.


                      • #41
                        wasting ur money

                        Why do you want your cue to be the same as Steve Davis cue??

                        The cue he uses isnt even a JP, its a burwatt champion that JP has altered, hence the joint is in the splicing, a mad idea for a new cue! As the joint wears the splicing will not line up. Ali Carter has his cue split like this too


                        • #42
                          Actually It was a Ye Olde Ash not a Burwat champion.

                          Yes I know about the joint wear. Steve's doesn't line up either so it will be more closer to the real thing. I have always liked this design because it is unusual and not common, I like to do things that are not the norm, and what I believe in, not follow the stereo typical crowd.


                          • #43
                            I have one slight problem with mine

                            My Parris Ultimate cue was delivered last night, it is very well built looks great!!! hits great. I love it,,,but...

                            its a 3/4 cue the shaft rolls perfectly straight, butt does as well. However there is one slight problem when they are screwed together and I roll the cue the tip lifts almost 1mm off the slate bed, I rolled it on 2 different tables, took it apart and put it back together a couple times and it wobbles a bit when I rol it and the tip does lift up. I have not contacted them as the cue has only been here 12 hours and its the weekend. This shouldnt happen, i dont think. otherwise it is fantatastic, much better than any other snooker cue I have ever owned. On American pool cues I know what causes that and how its resolved, on a snooker cue I'm not sure.


                            • #44
                              Please! please! please! dont roll cues on a table, it says nothing about how straight they are! Look down the cue with one eye from butt to shaft. If its bent you will see it. But if its 1mm i really would not be worried at all.
                              sigpic <---New Website
                              Dan Shelton Cues on Facebook


                              • #45
                                Originally Posted by totlxtc View Post
                                Please! please! please! dont roll cues on a table, it says nothing about how straight they are! Look down the cue with one eye from butt to shaft. If its bent you will see it. But if its 1mm i really would not be worried at all.

                                if 2 straight object are joined together and it bounces there is a problem at the joint, I have many many years experience with cues.

