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John Parris, Ultimate cue

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  • #46
    Originally Posted by Fatboy View Post
    if 2 straight object are joined together and it bounces there is a problem at the joint, I have many many years experience with cues.
    Then send it back to the UK to get the 1mm sorted.
    sigpic <---New Website
    Dan Shelton Cues on Facebook


    • #47
      Originally Posted by totlxtc View Post
      Then send it back to the UK to get the 1mm sorted.
      i most likely will, i'm not upset by it, its a lovely cue. thank you very much, best regards eric


      • #48
        Originally Posted by Fatboy View Post
        My Parris Ultimate cue was delivered last night, it is very well built looks great!!! hits great. I love it,,,but...

        its a 3/4 cue the shaft rolls perfectly straight, butt does as well. However there is one slight problem when they are screwed together and I roll the cue the tip lifts almost 1mm off the slate bed, I rolled it on 2 different tables, took it apart and put it back together a couple times and it wobbles a bit when I rol it and the tip does lift up. I have not contacted them as the cue has only been here 12 hours and its the weekend. This shouldnt happen, i dont think. otherwise it is fantatastic, much better than any other snooker cue I have ever owned. On American pool cues I know what causes that and how its resolved, on a snooker cue I'm not sure.
        Rolling it on the table does not tell you if it is straight.
        Snooker cues are made differently, and many times it is not perfectly round/symmetrical. Also, due to the flat part at the butt, it can bounce even if it is straight.
        If the facing and the points and the arrows of your shafts all lined up, and the shaft is straight, you cue is very likely straight.
        If you rest your cue on the cushions of a table(one cushion supporting the butt, on the tip end), and roll it, what happens?
        Last edited by poolqjunkie; 17 May 2009, 05:13 AM.


        • #49
          Hi fatboy. The reason your cue lifts slightly when rolled is because the taper on the butt is different to the taper on the shaft. This is normal with 3/4 cues. Be assured your cue will be and will play straight. I have seen 3/4 Parris cues with a continuos taper from butt to tip and they roll straight but this is something you need to stipulate at time of order.
          Last edited by gloveman; 17 May 2009, 07:45 AM. Reason: can't spiel


          • #50
            Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
            Rolling it on the table does not tell you if it is straight.
            Snooker cues are made differently, and many times it is not perfectly round/symmetrical. Also, due to the flat part at the butt, it can bounce even if it is straight.
            If the facing and the points and the arrows of your shafts all lined up, and the shaft is straight, you cue is very likely straight.
            If you rest your cue on the cushions of a table(one cushion supporting the butt, on the tip end), and roll it, what happens?
            very good point, I bet your right and I'm wrong, I will check in the morning, I was going to make a thread on this today-just asking, I'm a old dog in the cue game(pool cues) and new to snooker cues. I will report what I find tomarrow,

            a sincer thanks to everyone here for all the avice and posts I have read!!

            my best



            • #51
              Stand up and look down the cue from tip to butt, spin the cue with your fingers and you will quickly see if the joint is out or if it is a difference in the taper.

              I have to say of all the things I have seen with Parris cues over the years, the engineering in the joints is generally very good.


              • #52
                Got an awesome Parris Ultimate on Ebay at the minute if anyones interested
                Rocket Ronnie Rules!!!


                • #53
                  s davis fan...........i was wrong, AGAIN!

                  Steves cue is an ye old ash, i know what you mean about following the crowd. However, spliced joints were all the rage in late 80s early 90s davis,ros, Allison Fisher all using them. If i remember correctly JP used this style in his Paragon range of cues.


                  • #54
                    Circle I have always liked this style of cue, since I first saw Steve's in 1991, I know Allison Fisher had that style of joint, but she copied Steve's style, and possibly wanted her cue to match his as well. We all like retro things Cars music Ect So why not Snooker cues as well, But as I say I have wanted this design 18 years and Now that Ali Carter has that, people will proberly think it is a copy of his cue.

                    I think that people who spend hundreds of pounds ect on fancy spicing and inlays are wasting there money, and thinking more about showing there cue off, than actually playing the game, it won't make them play any better than a plain one, but might make there ego feel better.

                    It's a bit like having a beautifull girlfriend on your arm to impress your mates, that you actually have nothing in common with and you will argue, and she will proberly cheat on you, and go off with your best mate. But if she is plain and not much to look at she will have a fantastic personality, and stay with you for life. Its what on the inside that counts.

                    Sorry I'm waffling

                    John Parris Paragon are the middle price range Custom cue, which you can have made exactly as you like.


                    • #55
                      I have had a bit of time to use my new JP Ultimate Cue, and it is amazing, while it does have a slight imperfection at the joint-that has zero effect on the cue, That cue plays better than I ever will. It is perfect for me, I have played American pool for many many years and know cues well and what works for me and what dosent, This will be the last snooker cue I will buy(unless there is a disaster) I have several other ash snooker cues now and have played with a number of them over the years, nothing is as good as this cue.

                      My only concern is the dry air in Las Vegas it can be hard on wood, I have seen bad things happen to good cues here. It is doubtful but that could be a disaster, I live in Los Angeles so if the cue starts to dry out I can keep it there, but my table is here. thats a good problem i suppose.

                      so yes after some time with this cue I give it a 10/10. now I need lessions.


                      • #56
                        Originally Posted by S Davis Fan View Post
                        It's a bit like having a beautifull girlfriend on your arm to impress your mates, that you actually have nothing in common with and you will argue, and she will proberly cheat on you, and go off with your best mate. But if she is plain and not much to look at she will have a fantastic personality, and stay with you for life. Its what on the inside that counts.

                        If You Wanna Be Happy by Jimmy Soul

                        If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
                        Never make a pretty woman your wife
                        So for my personal point of view
                        Get an ugly girl to marry you
                        If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
                        Never make a pretty woman your wife
                        So for my personal point of view
                        Get an ugly girl to marry you
                        A pretty woman makes her husband look small
                        And very often causes his downfall
                        As soon as he married her and then she starts
                        To do the things that will break his heart
                        But if you make an ugly woman your wife
                        A-you'll be happy for the rest of your life
                        An ug-a-ly woman cooks meals on time
                        And she'll always give you peace of mind
                        If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
                        Never make a pretty woman your wife
                        So for my personal point of view
                        Get an ugly girl to marry you
                        [Sax solo]
                        Don't let your friends say you have no taste
                        Go ahead and marry anyway
                        Though her face is ugly, her eyes don't match
                        Take it from me, she's a better catch
                        If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
                        Never make a pretty woman your wife
                        So for my personal point of view
                        Get an ugly girl to marry you
                        Say man!
                        Hey baby!
                        I saw your wife the other day!
                        Yeah, an' she's ug-leeee!
                        Yeah, she's ugly, but she sure can cook, baby!
                        Yeah, alright!
                        If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
                        Never make a pretty woman your wife
                        So for my personal point of view
                        Get an ugly girl to marry you
                        If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
                        Never make a pretty woman your wife
                        So for my personal point of view
                        Get an ugly girl to marry you
                        If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
                        Never make a pretty woman your wife
                        So for my personal point of view
                        Get an ugly girl to marry you
                        If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
                        Never make a pretty woman your wife
                        So for my personal point of view
                        Get an ugly girl to marry you

                        For those who don't know the original recording:





                        • #57
                          What sort of imperfection in the joint? You have paid for perfection so you are intitled to get it changed free of charge.

                          Still no Cue, I have given Parris an ultimation Cue by Next week or a full Refund.

                          My experience of Parris is not good.
                          Last edited by S Davis Fan; 5 June 2009, 06:52 PM.


                          • #58
                            Originally Posted by S Davis Fan View Post
                            What sort of imperfection in the joint? You have paid for perfection so you are intitled to get it changed free of charge.

                            Still no Cue, I have given Parris an ultimation Cue by Next week or a full Refund.

                            My experience of Parris is not good.
                            i didnt pay for perfection, as no cues are perfect. it is a moot point, i am 100% happy with the the cue, a friend ran a centeary with it.

