I have a good stance spot on Alignment of Back arm, but am very inconsistent in my alignment of White to object ball. The text books do say that you should look at the white when getting down onto the shot and then flick your eyes between the object ball and the white. But it becomes very difficult for me to align the white on to the angle with consistency, especially if the balls are far apart. I have found that if I naturally look at the object ball as I get down, and then check the white, I will be more likely to get the alignment and pot.
You coaches out there, should I persevere with the Text book routine, or look at the object ball to get the alignment, it doesn't say much about getting down to the line of aim in the textbooks. I practice cueing up on a black line in front of a mirror, so I can see if the cue is coming through straight, and if it is deviating from the line or not, but I have trouble imagining this line when I'm on the table. I have on occasion been able to line up both balls as I'm getting down if I slowly drop onto my cue why doing my cue ups and am succesfull, but I have trouble replicating this technique with consistency at the moment. If I get down quickly like the pro's do, I will more that likely not be on the right angle.
Advice would be appreciated.
I have a good stance spot on Alignment of Back arm, but am very inconsistent in my alignment of White to object ball. The text books do say that you should look at the white when getting down onto the shot and then flick your eyes between the object ball and the white. But it becomes very difficult for me to align the white on to the angle with consistency, especially if the balls are far apart. I have found that if I naturally look at the object ball as I get down, and then check the white, I will be more likely to get the alignment and pot.
You coaches out there, should I persevere with the Text book routine, or look at the object ball to get the alignment, it doesn't say much about getting down to the line of aim in the textbooks. I practice cueing up on a black line in front of a mirror, so I can see if the cue is coming through straight, and if it is deviating from the line or not, but I have trouble imagining this line when I'm on the table. I have on occasion been able to line up both balls as I'm getting down if I slowly drop onto my cue why doing my cue ups and am succesfull, but I have trouble replicating this technique with consistency at the moment. If I get down quickly like the pro's do, I will more that likely not be on the right angle.
Advice would be appreciated.