Sorry, if you open such a thread, you cannot expect other answers then the ones given. If you want to hear "yeah, of course, Parris all the way, I'm a fan too", then you'll be dissapointed.
So people start to argue and widen up the thread if they're in for argueing/discussion, or just state facts that cannot be negotiated. I'll do a bit of both:
F A C T S (won't accept any contradiction):
- all top cue makes can make terrific cues
- John Parris doesn't make all his cues on his own (anymore?). you can get "cheaper" ones
- all have made not-so-brilliant-ones for sure
T H I N G S to argue about:
- I don't like the finish on Parris' cues (the ones I have seen), because I think Trevor's is BY FAR superiour
- I don't like the splice work on the Parris cues (the ones I have seen), because even if it's only a very little frayed or lacerated, I'm dissapointed, by what you expect from the reputation
- so I think Mike W's splicing is BY FAR superior to the 'mass produced' Parris ones.
P E R S O N A L (can't really be argued because it's my opinion / bias):
- Parris has done a lot to become very well know
(a good thing to do)
- sometime I have the feeling that J.P. offers each and every Pro player 10 cues until he finds one that fits him, for free of cours, to tell people 'Pro XYZ plays with my cue
(a ... well good or bad thing to do, down to own opinion)
-> due to the well known J.P. cues, there's a HUGE fan community which sometimes knows nothing about snooker, but EVERYTHING about cues (as they think). The EVERYTHING then means: J.P.'s cues are the best. (like Ronnie-fans
(a BAD thing to do. not know the business, but be a 'the one and only brand groupie')
- nothing against the chinese, but around here, we got quite a few chinese players who have been playing the game for a long time know. They all got a Parris cue, and the opinion is made and clear: either you got a Parris, or you got rubbish. They spend like more than CHF 2000.- (must be almost 1000 pounds by now) on a JP and are f...cking proud of them. Fine for me, as I can safe a lot.
- Pick up one of these cues, and be sure: the splicings are not half as accurate as on my woolie.
(of course J.P. can do better, but these cues are 'mass market' JPs, very overpriced because of the name you pay for.
- the worst Parris I've seen so far (and played a few shots with) was certainly not superior to my mastercue, o'min, MW. Plus, as a bonus, it had this special JP roof lath finish that makes it feel like playing with a christmas tree under your chin.
to R O C K E T R O Y:
I don't really understand reliable in your post, as it's translated differently:
if reliable was meant as 'confidential/trustworthy/safe/certain', then that has to be the cue you play with, no matter who's produced it. Either you trust in your cue 100%, or you should change it.
It should be one's actual cue, and it can change - for me, it was my o'min, my mastercue, my wooldridge by now. It's the cue that makes me feel 'YES, I can pull out every shot I want, at any time, my cue won't let me down.' That depends much more on the tip than on the cue brand, you should know that
if reliable was meant as 'established/time-proved/well known and therefore trusted in', your post is nonsense, sorry to be harsh. Other makers make equally good cues, if not better ones (as I personally think, see above).
the formula "you want a good cue -> get a Parris one to be SURE of getting a good one" is simply not true, because
a) others are good as well
b) especially JP has gone DOWN quality-wise by becoming more and more mass-produced pieces of wood with a name on it you'll gonna pay for.
I've never seen a really BAD Trevor. I've never seen a really bad Mike Wooldridge. I've never seen a really BAD Robin Cook, Osbourne, Hunt...
(where "really bad" meens crippled, with major faults you won't expect) - so that means they must be at least as reliable as JP...
So people start to argue and widen up the thread if they're in for argueing/discussion, or just state facts that cannot be negotiated. I'll do a bit of both:
F A C T S (won't accept any contradiction):
- all top cue makes can make terrific cues
- John Parris doesn't make all his cues on his own (anymore?). you can get "cheaper" ones
- all have made not-so-brilliant-ones for sure
T H I N G S to argue about:
- I don't like the finish on Parris' cues (the ones I have seen), because I think Trevor's is BY FAR superiour
- I don't like the splice work on the Parris cues (the ones I have seen), because even if it's only a very little frayed or lacerated, I'm dissapointed, by what you expect from the reputation
- so I think Mike W's splicing is BY FAR superior to the 'mass produced' Parris ones.
P E R S O N A L (can't really be argued because it's my opinion / bias):
- Parris has done a lot to become very well know
(a good thing to do)
- sometime I have the feeling that J.P. offers each and every Pro player 10 cues until he finds one that fits him, for free of cours, to tell people 'Pro XYZ plays with my cue
(a ... well good or bad thing to do, down to own opinion)
-> due to the well known J.P. cues, there's a HUGE fan community which sometimes knows nothing about snooker, but EVERYTHING about cues (as they think). The EVERYTHING then means: J.P.'s cues are the best. (like Ronnie-fans

(a BAD thing to do. not know the business, but be a 'the one and only brand groupie')
- nothing against the chinese, but around here, we got quite a few chinese players who have been playing the game for a long time know. They all got a Parris cue, and the opinion is made and clear: either you got a Parris, or you got rubbish. They spend like more than CHF 2000.- (must be almost 1000 pounds by now) on a JP and are f...cking proud of them. Fine for me, as I can safe a lot.
- Pick up one of these cues, and be sure: the splicings are not half as accurate as on my woolie.

(of course J.P. can do better, but these cues are 'mass market' JPs, very overpriced because of the name you pay for.
- the worst Parris I've seen so far (and played a few shots with) was certainly not superior to my mastercue, o'min, MW. Plus, as a bonus, it had this special JP roof lath finish that makes it feel like playing with a christmas tree under your chin.
to R O C K E T R O Y:
I don't really understand reliable in your post, as it's translated differently:
if reliable was meant as 'confidential/trustworthy/safe/certain', then that has to be the cue you play with, no matter who's produced it. Either you trust in your cue 100%, or you should change it.
It should be one's actual cue, and it can change - for me, it was my o'min, my mastercue, my wooldridge by now. It's the cue that makes me feel 'YES, I can pull out every shot I want, at any time, my cue won't let me down.' That depends much more on the tip than on the cue brand, you should know that

if reliable was meant as 'established/time-proved/well known and therefore trusted in', your post is nonsense, sorry to be harsh. Other makers make equally good cues, if not better ones (as I personally think, see above).
the formula "you want a good cue -> get a Parris one to be SURE of getting a good one" is simply not true, because
a) others are good as well
b) especially JP has gone DOWN quality-wise by becoming more and more mass-produced pieces of wood with a name on it you'll gonna pay for.
I've never seen a really BAD Trevor. I've never seen a really bad Mike Wooldridge. I've never seen a really BAD Robin Cook, Osbourne, Hunt...
(where "really bad" meens crippled, with major faults you won't expect) - so that means they must be at least as reliable as JP...