im chilling now ok
ok deferential between Dott picking a ball off the table against Selby in the WC that was in the D and Dott could ask Selby to play again even though he was at fault.....
i dont understand why same law dont aply to it anyway because it carries same penalty point.
with every foul options is there from freeball,miss,play from where ball come to rest,or take the shot yourself so parrot didnt have any advantage from it his oponement was always in charge of the situation the same as dott was when selby picked up that ball he thought had droped in the pocket..
ok deferential between Dott picking a ball off the table against Selby in the WC that was in the D and Dott could ask Selby to play again even though he was at fault.....
i dont understand why same law dont aply to it anyway because it carries same penalty point.
with every foul options is there from freeball,miss,play from where ball come to rest,or take the shot yourself so parrot didnt have any advantage from it his oponement was always in charge of the situation the same as dott was when selby picked up that ball he thought had droped in the pocket..