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game rules on unplayable shot?

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  • game rules on unplayable shot?


    im new here but have been playing snooker for about 25 years. my dad and me were wondering about a scenario that neither of us can remembering ever happening in our games over the years or on tv in tournements.

    imagine the white ball in a position on the table and is completely surrounded by coloured balls. theres no way out of the situation. the white wont even pass any of the colours to attempt a strike on a red. at what point does the ref make a decision on the game. every time the player hits the white ball he fouls on a colour. this could go on forever but when does the ref make the final decision or what are the rules on this position?



  • #2
    Have had this discussion before a few times.
    Here is talking about the same situation but in a snooker.

    Play towards a ball on in such a way as you would hit it if the obstructing balls were not there and the referree should not call a miss i think was the conclusion.
    sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


    • #3
      The player is supposed to play directly or indirectly towards a ball on with sufficient strength to hit it. If they do that it shouldn't be long before the situation is resolved.

      If you're playing with the miss rule then a miss should be called if you don't hit with enough strength, impossible shot or not.

      Even without the miss though the non-striker always has the option to ask the offender to play again, so there's be no point repeatedly tapping up to a colour (the penalty points would just mount up until they lost).


      • #4
        You attempt to hit the ball-on even though it's impossible to succeed. A foul is called on you, but you will not be put into the same situation again.
        You won't be fouling forever, but your opponent will continue.

        Edit: Late, so much better said above.
        Last edited by mushka; 9 August 2009, 10:15 PM.
        Robbo's potting is so good he doesn't need to bother with positional play like the rest of the players. He laughs in the face of those who spend hours on the practice table perfecting their cue ball control! ~ Forman
        2009 Grand Prix Fantasy Game winner

