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Practice diary

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  • Practice diary

    Hi guys,
    as plenty of us are trying to improve their game I have opened this thread in which you can post what you are going to practice today,how many hours you have planned to practice,your short term plans,your long term plans. Also I was thinking that for every week we can choose one practice which we are all going to do,and then we can compare our results.

    I am planning to practice 3 hours today. I will be practicing black of the spot,line-up,clearing the colours and some rest play...
    My short term plan is to become standard 40 break player until the end of January(currently 30 break player), and my long term plan is to become century break player in next 3 years...
    You cannot improve your game if you don't have a cue and snooker table
    BTW vucko means wolfie

  • #2
    Wouldn't it be better in Coaching questions? I'm going to practise now, around 2-3 hours. I'll tell you later about my exercises.:snooker:


    • #3
      I wanted to put in the coaching questions... But made a mistake... Do you have some short term and long term plans?
      You cannot improve your game if you don't have a cue and snooker table
      BTW vucko means wolfie


      • #4
        I keep meaning to keep a log of what I do to compare.
        I try to practise everyday but I don't at all. I'm lucky to get 1/2 an hour 3 days a week. Where are you going to get the time to play 3 hrs a day?


        • #5
          Originally Posted by vucko117 View Post
          I wanted to put in the coaching questions... But made a mistake... Do you have some short term and long term plans?
          I started playing in April but seriously in September, I've never played pool or billiards so I don't have the background of other players.

          My goal is to improve and become less frustrated. As I've read and watched a lot, I see things easily in my head, but my arms don't do exactly what I tell them to... My long term plan (around June) is being able to make breaks of 50, but mostly enjoy the game. I also have problems of concentration and maybe snooker could help me with that.


          • #6
            I will be doing 2 hours of solid practise tomorrow but not sure yet as to what practise routines i'll be doing as yet..
            "Statistics won't tell you much about me. I play for love, not records."

            ALEX HIGGINS


            • #7
              I am going to practice line up, cross, color clearance, blue off the spot, some long potting, pink-black-pink, make a baulk color-red-baulk color-red, blue-red-blue-red, break out the pack from the 1)baulk color2)blue3)black and then just see how many points I can get, and potting the pink from the D. about 4 to 5 hours.


              • #8
                What about that diary, vucko117? I'll post some of my routines later today.


                • #9
                  sorry I have some exams Anyway I am going to the club right now. Will stay 5 hours. And I am going to practice break building for about 3 hours and then I will have practice match... Was thinking to practice clearing the blue-pink-black,devoloping the pack after potting the black and blue. Last practice is going to be potting red-black in sequence. I will put 4 reds between pink and black spot and try to pot as much red-black as possible.
                  You cannot improve your game if you don't have a cue and snooker table
                  BTW vucko means wolfie

