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Highest snooker break by a woman?

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  • #31
    I think it is unfair to ask of girls to play the game near to men level. That is just not possible, even if millions started to practice seriously. We are spoiled with what the guys are showing on tv.
    It doesn't matter if the game is not about physical strength. Women lose badly to men in chess as well and there you don't even need to have good hand/eye coordination.

    It's like asking top woman tennis player to try and play against men. She'd lose 6:0 6:0 to any player in top 300 on any court if he played seriously. Every single time, no exception. Everyone knows that, but people still watch the woman's game. In fact, woman get just as much prize money. Figure that one out? It's all about marketing.

    WPBSA should support woman's game more no matter what the standard of play is. But I also believe ladies should have relaxed dress code. Waist coats and bow ties really do not suit them at all.


    • #32
      Kelly Fisher has made 147's...but she is a very attacking player. When she is on, she does not miss much at all.
      I notice that even in 9 ball the ladies are just not as good as the men, eventhough the top ladies have sponsors and make enough off playing pool that they can actually do it full time. I am talking about the likes of Allison Fisher, Kelly Fisher, Karen Corr, Ga Young Kim, Xian Tang Pan, Jasmine Oschan...
      So, I am not sure if it is only because the ladies do not have enough money to do it full tiem that they are not as good as the men. I am sure a lot of guys were working and playing as they coming up the rankings...
      I have been thinking about this a lot and I honestly cannot come up with a good answer as to why it is so...
      Of course, we see ladies beat men sometimes in 9 ball but it is not very often. Put it this way, if you allow men to play in the WPBA, Allison Fisher would have a hard time winning even 1 single event. If you allow Allison to play with the men in the world 9 ball championship, she also would have a hard time winning. But if you only allow women to play, then Allison is a favorite to win.
      Why, I really dont know...


      • #33
        Here is the theory I was given years ago by a very educated woman who loved to play snooker. (Remember, it's just a theory now and I'm not being chauvanistic).

        Way back in the caveman days the men were always out hunting and throwing rocks and later spears or bows/arrows and their brains developed an understanding of spatial relationships and hand-eye coordination since after all via Darwain's theory those cavemen with that ability got to eat and survive.

        Meanwhile the females were back at the cave tending fires, having and taking care of babies and making clothes and didn't have the opportunity to develop that hand-eye coordination thingy.

        And snooker is all about hand eye coordination. I don't know if I would use tennis as a comparison, or golf either, as they also require muscle bulk but perhaps this is the reason why women billiard players have never approached the skill level of the men. (After all we are literally chucking a spear at the cueball, aren't we?)

        Terry Davidson
        IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


        • #34
          This is one thing that has always baffled me. Why are women not as successful as men at snooker? Snooker is one of the rare sports that men have zero physical advantage over women so it should be a level playing field.

          May just be a simple case of statistics. Only a tiny fraction of women play snooker compared to men. I'd be curious to see how much relative success female players would have if they played in the same amount of numbers as men. My personal view is there wouldnt be much in it. (Cant ignore the theory about hand-eye coordination in general though )


          • #35
            one time a girl told me its cause she has boobs, n it gets in the way. but im fat and hav manboobs. lol there goes that argument...


            • #36
              It definitely ain't the boobs as if she was cueing properly the cue would run to the outside of the breast as close to the armpit as you can get it and still keep the cue under the chin

              Terry Davidson
              IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


              • #37
                im liking the breast talk
                Blown away


                • #38
                  Originally Posted by jw147 View Post
                  im liking the breast talk
                  ( o Y o )

                  Highest Break
                  Practice: 136 (2005)
                  Match: 134 (2006)
                  In 2011: 94
                  Centuries made: 50+


                  • #39
                    Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
                    Here is the theory I was given years ago by a very educated woman who loved to play snooker. (Remember, it's just a theory now and I'm not being chauvanistic).

                    Way back in the caveman days the men were always out hunting and throwing rocks and later spears or bows/arrows and their brains developed an understanding of spatial relationships and hand-eye coordination since after all via Darwain's theory those cavemen with that ability got to eat and survive.

                    Meanwhile the females were back at the cave tending fires, having and taking care of babies and making clothes and didn't have the opportunity to develop that hand-eye coordination thingy.

                    And snooker is all about hand eye coordination. I don't know if I would use tennis as a comparison, or golf either, as they also require muscle bulk but perhaps this is the reason why women billiard players have never approached the skill level of the men. (After all we are literally chucking a spear at the cueball, aren't we?)

                    What about in sports such as shooting, archery...are women generally peforming worst than men, as is in the case of snooker/pool?


                    • #40
                      Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
                      It definitely ain't the boobs as if she was cueing properly the cue would run to the outside of the breast as close to the armpit as you can get it and still keep the cue under the chin

                      I have attached an example of Michaela in her snooker stance. As you describe it, Terry, the cue would be off and out of the way to he left as we're looking. If I were her, though, I would experiment with some other placements. It seems, much like with Steve Davis and his advantageously grooved chin, Michaela has the opportunity to add additional contact points to maintain the cues proper alignment.

                      My sincere apologies to the women of the board. And the men can thank me later.

                      Terry, I think I agree with your earlier post about spatial awareness and coordination. This has been my understanding of it anyway. I've never really thought of snooker directly in spear-chucking terms, but if you could see me playing I think you'd struggle to find a more accurate description of my game!
                      Attached Files


                      • #41
                        Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
                        What about in sports such as shooting, archery...are women generally peforming worst than men, as is in the case of snooker/pool?
                        Good question poolqjunkie. I'd be interested in finding out as well, I've never followed either sport. I've got a feeling it's more or less the same situation as in snooker and pool.

                        I watched a documentary not long ago about the beginnings of the computer game industry and one of the points made about the popularity of the Pong arcades appearing in bars was that it gave women a game that they could compete with men at, and that they were actually generally better at it as they have superior fine motor skills. I think men are just better at tasks involving aiming or visualising objects in 3D space.


                        • #42
                          Kelly Fisher is reported to have a high match break of 143. She is also reported to have achieved over 20+ maximums in practice.
                          You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't


                          • #43
                            I have just been browsing through some old Snooker Scenes and in December 1991 there is a report that Tessa Davidson extended the women's record break (in competition) to 135 during the (Ladies') British Open.

                            Her break superseded Allison Fisher's 133 break made a couple of months earlier.

                            The first century on record by a female was on 15 January 1985 when 15-year-old schoolgirl Stacey Hillyard made a 115 in the local snooker league of which I am the current secretary. It made national sports pages.


                            • #44
                              One day I will make a maximum
                              2007 TSF Pot Black prediction contest winner
                              2010 TSF Welsh Open Predict the qualifiers winner


                              • #45
                                Originally Posted by The Statman View Post
                                The first century on record by a female was on 15 January 1985 when 15-year-old schoolgirl Stacey Hillyard made a 115 in the local snooker league of which I am the current secretary. It made national sports pages.
                                Theres something about the number 15....
                                You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't

