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Is John Parris the only cue maker?

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  • #16
    As Parris are basically the most famous cue brand you can see why the BBC would go to him to document the cue making process and use it just to be a filler between mid session intervals etc. I'm sure anyone really interested in having a top class cue will be aware of the other makers around, most have the Internet and this site is no.1 when it comes to snooker related information so its not as if he's really benefitting by a small 5 minute piece.


    • #17
      Originally Posted by cueman View Post
      As Parris are basically the most famous cue brand you can see why the BBC would go to him to document the cue making process and use it just to be a filler between mid session intervals etc. I'm sure anyone really interested in having a top class cue will be aware of the other makers around, most have the Internet and this site is no.1 when it comes to snooker related information so its not as if he's really benefitting by a small 5 minute piece.
      Problem is they never say amongst other cuemakers just Parris rocks. Most people in the club you'll find think all pros use Parris cues!

      I don't even know how representitive of real life those Parris pieces even are.
      sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


      • #18
        Originally Posted by RGCirencester View Post
        Problem is they never say amongst other cuemakers just Parris rocks. Most people in the club you'll find think all pros use Parris cues!

        I don't even know how representitive of real life those Parris pieces even are.
        Forget it, Donny, you're out of your element


        • #19
          [QUOTE=RGCirencester;454071]Problem is they never say amongst other cuemakers just Parris rocks. Most people in the club you'll find think all pros use Parris cues!

          you are absolutely spot on here m8.!!!

          when i walked in to my local snooker club with my 1pc beautifully crafted Wooly cue , from about 20 players who took a look at it, none of them new who da hell Mike Wooldridge is and none of them ever heard of Trevor White either Poor people

          Also one of those guys, after holding my cue and not even pot one ball with it went : (quote) " pfft....(pause)... John Parris makes better cues anyway"!!!
          what baffled me the most, what made him say that!!!??? Bias??? Envy???or Else ??? i dont have a clue!!!
          maybe its just coincidence but none of them ever heard about TSF forum to. and maybe its for better coz the waiting time from TW would increase from 24weeks to about 52 weeks at least and we dont want that do we ???
          "Life Its the best teacher. And when something fcuk's up there is no undo button" ... D.S!!!


          • #20
            TW and MW spend there time making their cue's, and my understanding is they don't give them away like Parris does to the pro's. I have Parris cue's and I just bought a
            TW . And regarding quality and finish TW beats Parris by far. I have never seen a
            MW but I have heard they are incredible cues especially compared to Parris.
            Parris as I have said spents all his time Marketing and giving away his cues the other
            top cue people don't.{TW,MW}


            • #21
              It is a shame that many many cue makers don't get the wide spread recognition for their work. But then again that makes it better for the people that do know about their work like... us

              Joe public down the club think JP is the only cue maker, that is a shame. I've never showed anyone my Robin Cook cue who hasn't gone, "Who's he?". But I kinda like that.
              Forget it, Donny, you're out of your element


              • #22
                It's the same down my club . No one has heard of MW and only 1 person has heard of TW. Most are now using H & O cues because they are just down the road and like the one i had made.

                The TV piece on Parris must be at least 2-3 years old as i saw it on the World Championship coverage a few years back.

                Its hard enough to get people to change tips.All the lads were using elks but were not happy with how long they lasted , so i had just put on a Talisman
                I tried to get my mates to change and we all went to Talisman but no one liked them .
                Not going to recommend anything anymore ...too much grief.
                Just bought MW tips.Going to keep that one a secret.

                Got my new TW coming soon can't wait to see what they have got to say about that. Not much i suppose as they don't know who he is!

                Happy potting guys:snooker:
                Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                • #23
                  Originally Posted by bob1 View Post
                  TW and MW spend there time making their cue's, and my understanding is they don't give them away like Parris does to the pro's. I have Parris cue's and I just bought a
                  TW . And regarding quality and finish TW beats Parris by far. I have never seen a
                  MW but I have heard they are incredible cues especially compared to Parris.
                  Parris as I have said spents all his time Marketing and giving away his cues the other
                  top cue people don't.{TW,MW}
                  So who's fault is that? It just seems to me that Parris has a better mind for business than his rivals and at the end of the day that is what all of them are in it for anyway! There is very little between most of the top cue makers around, so if you plan your business strategy and get ahead of your rivals then surely JP should be commended for that rather than be condemned all the time just because a few people are for want of a better word jealous of his success.


                  • #24
                    I'm not condemning JP at all.[see my initial comments on page 1 of this thread] I would just like to see other makers on TV . With Barry Hearn in charge now , i would like him to have some influence on the TV coverage.
                    It would be nice to see the BBC go a bit further in depth to show say different makers , different tips etc to the snooker audience . Nothing is really explained to the hardened fan unless you go through this excellent forum.
                    Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                    • #25
                      I'm surprised we don't see cuemakers names on player's cases, then as they walk out we'd all get to see them in big letters, seems like they're missing a trick. I remember John Parrot used to have a Peradon logo on his waistcoat but that's the only time I've seen any promotion from the cuemakers (the real ones not Riley and BCE). I'm, sure the likes of Ding, Selby etc wouldn't mind a large Stamford brand on their cases for example.

                      What do you reckon, a free Parris cue each for the BBC Snooker crew?


                      • #26
                        Ding has got Stamford branded on his case . Not that you can see it clearly as he has got a blue & white patchwork job on it!
                        Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                        • #27
                          in the past, jamie cope had tony wilshaw on his waistcoat, but its gone..
                          i wonder why.
                          See new updates:


                          • #28
                            It doesn't matter if your mates etc know who made your cue, if you like it then who gives a monkeys. If people are not educated on cue makers then that's there problem, just be happy in te knowledge that you researched the top cue makers and made your choice down to that rather than a old TV skit.
                            My Flickr

