I would like to hear from as many as possible, their opinions, or experiences on laminated and pressed tips , and why they stick to a particular 1,
i am sure there are guys out there who have never even tried another type of tip . so come on guys get posting , nothing on tv anyway, and maybe something said here might even help someone make up their mind on a tip ,
As i have started this post , i will go first, here goes,
1) last longer
2) more consistent
3)less mushrooming
4)more power
Lets hear from others too! cheers
I would like to hear from as many as possible, their opinions, or experiences on laminated and pressed tips , and why they stick to a particular 1,
i am sure there are guys out there who have never even tried another type of tip . so come on guys get posting , nothing on tv anyway, and maybe something said here might even help someone make up their mind on a tip ,
As i have started this post , i will go first, here goes,
1) last longer
2) more consistent
3)less mushrooming
4)more power
Lets hear from others too! cheers