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Do you play foul and a miss in practise?

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  • Do you play foul and a miss in practise?

    I don't, but i would like to.

  • #2
    I wanted to a while back so that was exactly what I've started doing. Never felt better.


    • #3


      • #4
        I don't, I usually take that ball to the top and hit it from there when I do a foul.


        • #5
          Yes always play a Miss in Practise as all Tournaments down here Play it.



          • #6
            Yes always play it.
            You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't


            • #7
              Always play it in practice as all our tournaments use it here.

              Now, I've heard a buzz (from a fairly decent source) that the MISS rule is going to be altered slightly by the IBSF, but no word officially as yet that I've been able to find.

              What was discussed was a maximum of 3 misses and then non-offender gets cueball in hand from the 'D'. No other changes in the rest of the rule.

              Actually, I'm in favour of that one, especially for amateur players who are playing on club tables. I had a frame this past weekend where I had a 2-cushion hit on the last red but the yellow cushion was dodgy and I had to adjust up and down the cushion and also adjust the power in my shot until I found the right combination. I had 28 points when I started and he ended up with 16 points when I finished (red was between black and pink), so 44 GD points lost!!!

              However, I managed to run out and win the frame in the end and I didn't leave him the red when I finally did hit it (more luck than good management).

              Terry Davidson
              IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


              • #8
                i dont as some of the players in the club just arnt good enough. same in the league i play in it wouldnt be fair on some of the lower standard players but them taking a 40+ start off me most every week is fine lol. there was some talk though we where going to start playing the miss rule if you either miss a ball that you can see centre or if you fail to reach the object ball when snookered. to stop some players playing a deliberate miss when snookered.


                • #9
                  i'm only a 20+ break kinda player but i do play foul n miss if my mates plays a good safety/snooker... it's only fair... but if we make a genuine effort and misses the 2nd or 3rd time round, we will continue on with the game... if we play foul n miss rule like we see on telly, then we're likely to foul out of the game in no time!!
                  When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by ste bed View Post
                    i dont as some of the players in the club just arnt good enough.
                    But the Miss rule only requires the player to attempt to hit the ball to the best of his ability.

                    If he isn't good enough to escape the snooker, then it shouldn't be called even if you are using the Miss rule.


                    • #11
                      I always play it against very good players, most times play it versus decentish players, and never play it when occasionally I knock up with novices.

                      Personally, I think the rule should always be played but it needs to be revised, and to be the same throughout the frame. 3 or 4 misses then ball in hand from the D regardless of whether snookers are required! Situations where players give forty points away from a snooker is plainly ridiculous. No single shot should be rewarding a player to the tune of 40, or whatever, points.
                      I often use large words I don't really understand in an attempt to appear more photosynthesis.


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by magicman View Post
                        I always play it against very good players, most times play it versus decentish players, and never play it when occasionally I knock up with novices.

                        Personally, I think the rule should always be played but it needs to be revised, and to be the same throughout the frame. 3 or 4 misses then ball in hand from the D regardless of whether snookers are required! Situations where players give forty points away from a snooker is plainly ridiculous. No single shot should be rewarding a player to the tune of 40, or whatever, points.
                        I have always thought that perhaps a way to do it would be to make a maximum of 4 attempts and then the normal options after a foul, with no Miss.

                        I'm not sure I agree with ball in hand; that seems a bit arbitrary to me. While it may be ludicrous that a snooker gives 40 points, it is just as ludicrous (to me) that it should yield 16 points and then a shot from the D which might, depending on the lay of the balls, be a sure frame-winner. That can happen as it is now, but at least the offending player has sent the cue-ball to the position from which it happens.

                        Making it a maximum of 4 (or 3) attempts could do a few things.

                        Firstly, a player in two minds whether to have the balls replaced because he has been left with an unattractive half-chance, may elect to play on because he genuinely may not get a better chance with limited remaining attempts.

                        Secondly, one might consider making the Miss call virtually automatic, because there is no prospect of a very difficult snooker creating – as you say – 40 or 50 points; only 12 or 16 maximum. If the next player is going to have a good opening anyway, it makes little difference whether he gets 4 or 12 points before doing so.

                        I am a player (and a referee) who doesn't see a great deal wrong with the Miss rule as it is written (as long as it is applied correctly in the lower echelons of the game – which is, admittedly, very difficult because of the varying skill level of player and referee alike). However, I am not in a clear majority in this and I think a change such as the one I am suggesting might take some of the subjectivity away from it and also make it less unacceptable for a difficult-ish snooker to have a Miss called.


                        • #13
                          The rule is nigh on perfect; To interpret it at grass routes level snooker is almost impossible. On a bad day I can miss a ball two inches in front of the cue ball. lol. How anyone can judge if I attempted to hit a ball to the best of my ability, I know not how(except that I personally always try my best regardless of how bad a player I am)


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by mick.hinde View Post
                            The rule is nigh on perfect; To interpret it at grass routes level snooker is almost impossible. On a bad day I can miss a ball two inches in front of the cue ball. lol. How anyone can judge if I attempted to hit a ball to the best of my ability, I know not how(except that I personally always try my best regardless of how bad a player I am)
                            Yes true, but...

                            There are certain parameters that can be judged - like, if you try to play off three cushions when there is a one-cushion escape available. I might not call a Miss if you try the one-cushion escape and miss, if I think your attempt was about right for your ability. But I would call it if you choose a more difficult route, because by definition you are not making your best effort to hit the ball on.

                            Then again, the lower the standard, the less likely a player is to attempt a multi-cushion escape because you're probably playing an opponent who is unlikely to win the frame in one visit, wherever you leave the white.


                            • #15
                              I think you're probably right about ball in hand statman, but generally I feel the rule has needed tweaking for some time.

                              The subjectivity of a miss call by inexperienced refs means that, in my experience, an awful lot of 'ordinary' leagues don't even play misses at all. Not even when the ball is on! I feel all the rules should be universally implemented, regardless of standard, and at the moment - they simply aren't.

                              Most top amateurs and pro's are ok with the rule, as they're used to it, and know where they stand - a miss will be called pretty much every time regardless of how close you get. That's fine, but not really fair, as 99 times out of a hundred players are trying their very best to hit the ball. It's the same for both players, we know where we are, and we live with it.

                              Under 'normal' circumstances one shot can only get you 7 points, so it's a little mad that even at pro level the record is 15 misses, I think, which amounts to a minimum of 60 points given away as a result of one single shot. Absurd imo, and quite a long way from 'nigh on perfect'.
                              I often use large words I don't really understand in an attempt to appear more photosynthesis.

