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Snooker Etiquette!

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  • #31
    Originally Posted by The Statman View Post
    I can't believe I forgot one of the biggest ones!

    You're patiently waiting for the guy on the next table to play his shot, as he's in your way.

    You watch as he plays his shot (usually fairly hard) and get gradually more annoyed as he insists on standing in the exact same position – right in your way – to watch the complete outcome of his shot.

    Just move out of the way! The balls will do the same wherever you watch from!
    I can't believe that I forgot this one ... it'd test the patience of an angel. Either talk to them loudly as though they are stupid when you ask them to move (make sure everybody else hears), or clip their achilles tendon with the tip of your shoe.
    They're as bad as the once-a-year drinkers in pubs at christmas, that don't move out of your way when you want to get to the bloody bar.


    • #32
      Originally Posted by inevermissblue View Post
      Does anyone have any Snooker Etiquette issues that they would like to share with the rest of us? I will start off by mentioning a bloke when playing his "mate", never re-spots his colours for him, and only re-spots his own!!! How ridiculous!
      the one that gets to me is when opponent in league matches starts unscrewing his cue while your getting ready to take frame winning ball


      • #33
        So called serious players who use blue chalk and have no idea that green chalk doesn't mark the cue ball like that horrible blue stuff.

        Club staff that have no idea about etiquette.

        Club staff opening curtains when it's plainly(other word could go here) obvious that they should be closed.

        That's just a few that i can think of. Most of the others have already been covered in this thread. No wonder all us snooker players are driven absolutely nuts!


        • #34
          Originally Posted by inevermissblue View Post
          I will start off by mentioning a bloke when playing his "mate", never re-spots his colours for him, and only re-spots his own!!! How ridiculous!

          Yep I've got a similar one to this that is quite amusing... When playing three-way games there is one character who we play on Fridays who is very unenthusiastic to re-spot any colour for anyone else, he won't even think about moving to replace a ball unless prompted at least twice. By the time its a close finish and down to pink/black he will literally be moving around in front of your line of sight about 2" from the pocket.


          • #35
            A few more!

            Watch out for the inconspicuous ones! Such as scoreboard tampering! (yes it does happen!!!).

            The player who knows that the following shot you play will mean he is directly in front of your shot, but chooses to stay there. No matter how long you wait for him to move, he won't. Also asking them to move is a no no, coz then its made out to be your fault for complaining in the first place.

            Then you get the tonal counters. Who's voice pitch is determined by how well your playing! pmsl! Never mind body language, just listen to how they count your break when there's a big one on the cards.

            I think the one i am least tollerant of is bad behaviour. Especially when you consider that there are people out there who actually enjoy the game. Basically if you can't appreciate good snooker being played against you, then you shouldn't expect other people to appreciate you!
            Cheap and Cheerful! 😄


            • #36
              Originally Posted by astle_the_king View Post
              the one that gets to me is when opponent in league matches starts unscrewing his cue while your getting ready to take frame winning ball
              That's a concession. Just gratefully accept it and shake his hand.


              • #37
                Originally Posted by spike View Post
                Originally Posted by me
                I can't believe I forgot one of the biggest ones!

                You're patiently waiting for the guy on the next table to play his shot, as he's in your way.

                You watch as he plays his shot (usually fairly hard) and get gradually more annoyed as he insists on standing in the exact same position – right in your way – to watch the complete outcome of his shot.

                Just move out of the way! The balls will do the same wherever you watch from!
                I would say that's common amongst most players, and i have been guilty of it too, especially when its a very tense situation in a match, you are so focused what is going on on the table you don't think of anything else.

                Just my opinion anyway..
                True, but with me it always seems to happen when the guy in question is just part of a group having a knockabout over a few beers with a few mates, nothing serious whatsoever!

                (Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course – just get out of the bloody way!)


                • #38
                  [QUOTE=The Statman;506759]True, but with me it always seems to happen when the guy in question is just part of a group having a knockabout over a few beers with a few mates, nothing serious whatsoever!


                  I agree. I dont know about you, but whenever this does happens to me it always seems to happen when i am (cueing well and on a good break), and then is ruined with having to wait, which invariably knocks me out of my rhythm..
                  Last edited by spike; 14 June 2010, 12:18 PM.
                  "Statistics won't tell you much about me. I play for love, not records."

                  ALEX HIGGINS


                  • #39
                    Originally Posted by cantpotforshíte View Post
                    That's a concession. Just gratefully accept it and shake his hand.
                    Is it officially a concession? This happens to me all the time when I'm on frame ball and more often then not winds me up enough to miss the ball.

                    Other things that niggle me are

                    - One of my opponents always walks around the table as I'm about to pot an apparently easy colour. This is while I am down on the shot and to get near the pocket in question to re-spot the ball. For me this is nothing more than reverse pyschology by assuming I will pot it. I always miss. A very clever ploy but pushing the boundaries of good etiquete to say the least.

                    - Apologies to owners of said contraptions but magnetic chalk holders drive me mad. click, click, click every 3 seconds echoing around a snooker hall ruins any concentration for me. For people not into pouches or dont like to get chalk on their pockets there are plenty of tables at convenient height around most snooker tables to leave your chalk on between shots.

                    - People who have just been to the bar or toilet and have to walk past your table. As would be expected I always stop making sure i'm not in eyeline, wait until they have played the shot and then walk. Most people dont!!

                    End of rant, there are many more but these sprung to mind straight away.


                    • #40
                      Just a quick one from me..

                      When playing in the local con club, it has two tables each with a chalk board for people to write then names down on for the next game. There's generally some old chaps that occupy one table all day every day, and you can gaurentee that anyone entering the snooker room with put their names down on the table im playing on not the old fellas regardless of state of frames or that I've often only just arrived! Grr.

                      Also hogging of the tables for 200 up billards games too!!
                      Old cue collector --
                      Cue Sales:
                      (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


                      • #41
                        Originally Posted by perpetualboredom View Post
                        Just a quick one from me..

                        When playing in the local con club, it has two tables each with a chalk board for people to write then names down on for the next game. There's generally some old chaps that occupy one table all day every day, and you can gaurentee that anyone entering the snooker room with put their names down on the table im playing on not the old fellas regardless of state of frames or that I've often only just arrived! Grr.

                        Also hogging of the tables for 200 up billards games too!!
                        Well that is the downside of getting cheap "lights" - at least you get to play as long as you want at my regular club (10 tables) even if it is £3.60/hour


                        • #42
                          Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                          Well that is the downside of getting cheap "lights" - at least you get to play as long as you want at my regular club (10 tables) even if it is £3.60/hour
                          There's a club in bradford, chalks where it is (or was last time I was in) something like a quid an hour for solo practice during the day. If I'm ever unfortunate enough to be out of work you'll know where to find me!
                          Old cue collector --
                          Cue Sales:
                          (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


                          • #43
                            Originally Posted by The Statman View Post
                            Doesn't leave much, does it ?!
                            Forum moderators


                            • #44
                              Some things that annoy me are:

                              1) Players who leave their chalk on the table.

                              2) During a match in a tournament your opponent asks: "How many matches have you won so far?"

                              3) People complaining about a fluke or piece of good luck.

                              4) Somebody who keeps asking about who is 'top' on the scoreboard and then just as you are about to pot blue, pink and black in the deciding frame of a semi-final in a tournament to get to the final and play a professional is unsure about the scores, you may have guessed that this happened to me.

                              5) People making too much noise nearby, such as in the bar, while a match is going on. You also get some really strange people in Rileys who try to disturb everything.

                              And obviously all the obvious things as the opponent not knowing what break you are on, but I am sure we have all been in a situation where we have mis-counted or are unsure about the scores before!

