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snooker balls to cover a full size table!

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  • #16
    Originally Posted by ferret View Post
    Cheers Statman, basically then we need 66 full sets of balls to cover one table (22 balls a set) but we only have 22 sets which is 484 ball about 1/3rd of what we need.

    Any ones want to send me a set of balls? well do 44 people want to send me a set each lol
    No, you'd need 111 sets of balls and you'd only use 10 balls from the last set.


    • #17
      Next question - What design are you going for, guess it's got to be a red background..


      • #18
        Originally Posted by The Statman View Post
        As always, a very thorough post but this time I think there is a small mistake in the calculation. One can spot it looking at these pictures showing Statman's solution:

        Yes, it's the unnecessary gaps between the double-rows!

        If we move the double-rows as close as possible, there is room for another double-row and one more row! It makes a nice table:

        The details show that there isn't room for additional balls at the pocket openings:

        So my answer is 2633.
        Last edited by csmarkus; 30 June 2010, 10:10 AM. Reason: typo correction


        • #19
          Originally Posted by ferret View Post
          Forgive me I been down the pub all night that is where the questions came from to start with, my next question is how much would all the balls weigh and could a snooker table handle that weight?
          2633 (thanks csmarkus) x 0.142 = 373.9kg

          or, in old money: 822.6lb

          or 58 stone and 10.5lb for those of us on this side of the atlantic.

          or nearly three Bill Werbenuiks simultaneously enjoying a trouser splitting moment.


          • #20
            Originally Posted by csmarkus View Post
            ...So my answer is 2633.
            I am so impressed with your pics


            • #21
              Originally Posted by csmarkus View Post
              As always, a very thorough post but this time I think there is a small mistake in the calculation. One can spot it looking at these pictures showing Statman's solution:

              Yes, it's the unnecessary gaps between the double-rows!

              If we move the double-rows as close as possible, there is room for another double-row and one more row!
              Do you know, as soon as I started reading your post, I realised that I had wronged without going on to read your explanation of it!

              You are of course quite right.


              • #22
                some members on this site have way to much free time.


                • #23
                  And some are lazy.
                  Robbo's potting is so good he doesn't need to bother with positional play like the rest of the players. He laughs in the face of those who spend hours on the practice table perfecting their cue ball control! ~ Forman
                  2009 Grand Prix Fantasy Game winner


                  • #24
                    (yawn) what was the question again?
                    You are only the best on the day you win.

