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Do you play for money, or share the bill?

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  • Do you play for money, or share the bill?

    Do you play for money, or share the bill?

    How else do you play?

  • #2
    Always share the light bill, but now and then will play the last frame for £2 to make things a bit more serious - just to stop you going for that crazy pot lol


    • #3
      Same here, share the table cost with an occasional small side bet to make things interesting. When one my mate visits he offers to pay for the table if I do a 30+ break knowing that his money is safe!! I'll catch him out one of these times.


      • #4
        When I was younger I would invariably play for money and loved doing so. Though nowadays I prefer going halves on the table, whoever and whenever I play..
        "Statistics won't tell you much about me. I play for love, not records."



        • #5
          Have you seen amateur Tennis players play for money ? I rather see snooker as a SPORT than GAMBLING.
          Last edited by Asi; 26 August 2010, 10:34 AM.
          Proud winner of the 2009 Premier League Semi-Final Prediction Contest


          • #6
            Normally play for money and split the light . Not too much money . Normally £10 first to four plus might throw in the odd high break prize . Tend not to do that too much as i never win it
            Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


            • #7
              We always play for the light plus an extra £5 for the highest break.

              It normally evens itself out


              • #8
                Well, in Canada in the snooker clubs it's very normal to play for the table time and in most cases play for 10pounds a frame too, with the exception of the Legions where they have the light meters and everyone shares the light costs.

                I happen to agree that gambling shouldn't be an integral part of snooker but it does put a little pressue on both players and keeps the frames more serious.

                I don't normally play for money but I do normally play for the table time, although I don't go to a snooker club very often as the closest one to me is a 2hr drive into Toronto (although a lcub closer to me in Kitchener is re-opening after a long 'upgrade' of 4 months but it's still a 40minute drive away.

                Terry Davidson
                IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                • #9
                  I used to play for table time and drinks sometimes, but I wouldn't call that playing for money. It's child's play. I'm not a money match player and never will be thankfully.
                  20 quid bet can turn into 1000 very quickly. It can become very addictive. Be careful. I wouldn't recommend playing for money to anyone.


                  • #10
                    In our club we play for table fees. 16usd/per hour. 2.5 hours. lets say 6 frames. PlayerA wins 4 PLayer B wins 2. PLay Both players pay for what they lose:

                    16 x 2.5 = 40USD/ 6 games = 6.66 per game

                    PlayerA owes: 2 x.6.66= 13.33 PlayerB owes: 4 x 26.64

                    Rounded up or down for whole dollars.


                    • #11

                      Terry - is Kirk Stevens still playing in that club (JD's?) down in Cambridge Ontario?


                      • #12
                        When I first learned to play, we always shared the table costs. When we improved a bit, we would either play for the cost of the table, or play for a little side bet, which got a little bigger as we got a little older.

                        If we did not play snooker, then would play golf on the snooker table or some other game, always for money. Some of us would make a good bit of pocket money that way. Most of the time it would be golf.

                        Now have started to play again after such a long lay off, we each put the same amount in the machine for the lights.


                        • #13
                          I normally play my friend for £2 per frame with the start changing by 5 points per frame (ie if I win a frame giving him 25 it will be 30 next frame) so not very much money changes hands normally and if it does one night, the other normally has a good chance the next time.


                          • #14

                            JD's in Cambridge closed about 2 years ago but I didn't know Kirk practiced in there. I know Bob Chaperone used to practice there when he lived in Cambridge, before he moved back to Sudbury.

                            Kirk sometimes goes into Shooters in east Toronto to practice, along with a bunch of other players like Cliff, Floyd Zeigler, John White (he owns Shooters), Eriks Malderis and some other players I can't think of right now.

                            Terry Davidson
                            IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                            • #15
                              Usually share the table bill, but having a few quid on things makes it more interesting.

                              Tryed a few methods over the years either start at £3 1st frame then go up £1 each frame till you get to £10 a frame.

                              Then been known to play double or quits whatever the amount or double or quits plus £10 or £20.......I was £160 down once & played double or quits plus £20......theory being i was sure to win at least one one frame during the night usually the very last one, mate was none to happy though he won the session 9 frames to 1 & ended up being £20

                              I must point out this was before i was a family man as i'm skint now, but still like to play for a few quid keeps the old school snooker hall ways alive & well in the modern game.

