The late great John Spencer won two of his three world titles with a cue that was as bent as a dogs hind leg with the butt held together with a nail. Now if you fork out five hundred smackers for a handmade John Parris or Trevor White you'll get craftmanship for sure, but what you won't get is that feel, that extension of your arm feel that you get with a cue that you have grown with.
I've had my cue now for twenty five years, last year I had a copy made, same length, balance point, weight and tip size, yet it's dead straight so it should be better, and while I can play o.k. with it, there's an edge missing. If my cue gets damaged or stolen the new one will do, until that day it's two hundred quid wasted.
I've had my cue now for twenty five years, last year I had a copy made, same length, balance point, weight and tip size, yet it's dead straight so it should be better, and while I can play o.k. with it, there's an edge missing. If my cue gets damaged or stolen the new one will do, until that day it's two hundred quid wasted.