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Do you Let anyone else Use your Primary CUE ?

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  • Do you Let anyone else Use your Primary CUE ?

    Do you let anyone at all play with your primary cue ?

    I don't let anyone else touch it at all. It's a custom made cue by the best cuemaker in Australia who has now retired so it is in essence irreplaceable.

    I have plenty of other cues (good ones too) that i let mates borrow no problem at all. Just my primary snooker and pool cue are for me to use only

  • #2
    i would decide based on the person, if the person is a decent player who know how to treat a cue then i dont mind to share my cue, however he still could not play something like jump shots with it.


    • #3
      Only with someone I trust fully.


      • #4
        Ahhh, the emotional rollercoaster of a mans relationship with his cue!!!

        I'm the same, the thing is, i love my cue, but i want other people to appreciate it too, because it plays so well and i do let a couple of the guys i play with have a frame now and again, but definitely no jump shots!!


        • #5
          Only to the person I trust most or maybe none at all..


          • #6
            Only if the tip came off one of my team mate's cues during a match .
            Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


            • #7
              only to a friend who is a good player and has good table etiquette, no masse or trick shots... and even then i have to be around and for a frame only... :snooker:
              When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


              • #8
                so long as the person can play then I don't mind. My cue already has a few dings on it so its not as if its in pristine condition. Also I would never sell it so it has no monetary value to me.

                Cues are quite difficult to break or at least should be, the only damage anyone can really do is to the tip in normal play. Unless of course they have a short fuse and are prone to smashing up cues but I don't know anyone like that!


                • #9
                  No, because accidents do happen. A few years back, one of my mates begged me to let him have a go of my brand new Godin Artisan ST (about a thousand quids worth of guitar) I eventually gave in, within 30 seconds he cracked it against my pool table, taking a fingernail sized chip out of it!!!!

                  Lesson learned.

                  My cue isn't particularly special, but over the years I've become very attached to it, and I intend to keep it that way.

                  The fast and the furious,
                  The slow and labourious,
                  All of us, glorious parts of the whole!


                  • #10
                    I would only let my best mate (who's a snooker player too) ever play with it. But no one else, ever.....
                    Ton Praram III Series 1 | 58" 18.4oz 9.4mm | ash shaft + 4 splices of Brazilian Rosewood | Grand Cue medium tips


                    • #11
                      I don't let anyone even touch my cue, the question of letting anyone else playing with it is certainly out of the window.

                      Its something I do out of caution, a lesson learnt from others' mistakes.

                      At the club I play at, everyone keeps their cues in cue stands and often, other people come in to play and use em. Of course, the owners let em use the cues because everyone is on a friendly equation and no one wants to be seen stingy or a stickup you know, but then I see em frowning and cursing people if they find something wrong with the tip, or a bend in the shaft, so I figured, why be nice on someone's face and then curse em behind their backs ?

                      So even though I do keep my cue at the club, it stays in the case which itself stays in a cupboard. I do lend it to my best mates when we are playing each other though.


                      • #12
                        i do let players who play properly(judged by me) to use my cue. because in snooker a jump shot is a foul so there wont be any jump shots, i dont mind the swerve or power deep screw.


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by nortoncue View Post
                          i do let players who play properly(judged by me) to use my cue. because in snooker a jump shot is a foul so there wont be any jump shots, i dont mind the swerve or power deep screw.
                          not even swerve shots


                          • #14
                            a little off topic here.. anyone here snap/break their cue through frustration/anger ?


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by Freddie Ng View Post
                              a little off topic here.. anyone here snap/break their cue through frustration/anger ?
                              Opps lol

