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How often do you change your tip?

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  • #16
    Originally Posted by Semih_Sayginer
    also, when retipping, if you havent got superglue gel and intend using superglue then you need to prepare the bottom of the loose tip once its been sanded or else the normal superglue will seep through the tip and can possibly make it go "off"

    to do this you:-

    - take the already sanded tip and burnish the flat end on an old varnished bit of wood so that you get a smooth/shiny finish. the tip is now sealed and ready for application with normal superglue.
    More mysterious posts Semih ;-). What do you mean by "burnish the flat end" ?

    Ive had the same tip on for years (though I have only been playing very intermittently) and the edge is now down to the ferrule in one spot - so it badly needs re-tipping.
    "You can shove your snooker up your jacksie 'cos I aint playing no more!" Alex Higgins.


    • #17
      if the edge of your tip is near the ferrule then you need to change it ASAP as you can damage the ferrule by hitting the ball with it and also chip the balls.

      what i meant by "burnish the flat end" is:-

      if youre using superglue gel, it wont seep into the tip when you put glue on it and stick it on the cue

      if youre using normal liquid superglue, IT WILL seep into the tip and in a lot of cases make the tip go "off" unless you seal the flat end that is to be glued. to seal the flat part of the tip youve just sanded you can burnish it on an old varnished bit of wood. this will result in a shiny surface on the part of the tip to be glued, and the liguid superglue wont seep through the tip.


      • #18
        I see. Thanks Semih - i will do this before I next play. Fortunately it hasnt quite got so bad yet that the ferrule has actually made contact with a ball, but its not far off getting to that stage.

        Do you bother with one of those re-tipping plastic clamp things with the pull down ring on it ?

        I used to have one, but it has gone missing.
        "You can shove your snooker up your jacksie 'cos I aint playing no more!" Alex Higgins.


        • #19
          ive used them. made from different materials. plastic, wood etc....

          a lot of them mark your cue, if your not very careful

          no need to use them at all

          if the preparations to the cue and to the tip are done correctly and you use a sharp blade when cutting the excess away (and make sure you press down on the cue when trimming to help stop separating the new tip from the cue) then you should have no problems.


          • #20
            Thanks Semih.
            "You can shove your snooker up your jacksie 'cos I aint playing no more!" Alex Higgins.


            • #21
              Originally Posted by dannyd0g
              Thanks Semih.
              not a problem DD

              if i think i know, or in fact i do know about a subject ill post my thoughts and opinions to try to help.

              if anyone chooses to use such help, and it works, then it was worth it.

              im not a loony all the time


              • #22
                A lot of information to take on board, but I suppose it's pretty simply if you get it right. my tip isn't down to the ferrule right now, so it doesn't need chaning just yet, but when it does I'll refer to all this info you've given me, it's much appreciated.

                PS Semih, will the 'cue cement superglue' seep through the tip or not?


                • #23
                  i wouldnt use tip cement to put a tip on if i was given it for free.

                  superglue gel OR superglue (or ill wait until ive got either)


                  • #24
                    I got some cue tip cement, the stuff with Ronnie and Jimmy smiling on the front of the packet; hopefully that will be alright.


                    • #25
                      Originally Posted by googlefooger
                      I got some cue tip cement, the stuff with Ronnie and Jimmy smiling on the front of the packet; hopefully that will be alright.
                      its garbage.

                      ask any cuemaker or reputable cue seller


                      • #26
                        saying that, best of luck with it.


                        • #27
                          Semih's right Ronnie and Jimmy are smiling because they are getting paid to peddle that ****e!
                          They wouldn't smile if they had to use it!


                          • #28
                            Originally Posted by Watford
                            Semih's right Ronnie and Jimmy are smiling because they are getting paid to peddle that ****e!
                            They wouldn't smile if they had to use it!
                            thanks watford (i know youll know its rubbish)


                            • #29
                              Originally Posted by Semih_Sayginer
                              not a problem DD

                              if i think i know, or in fact i do know about a subject ill post my thoughts and opinions to try to help.

                              if anyone chooses to use such help, and it works, then it was worth it.

                              im not a loony all the time
                              I disagree !!

                              Seriously though, I recommend superglue also.
                              Mon the Rocket


                              • #30
                                For me it's got to be superglue gel!
                                Accept no substitute!
                                My Dad swears by Araldite but it's far too much ****ing about for me!

