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Regular oil or not

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  • Regular oil or not

    Does it matter if you oil cue much or can it dammage the cue? Should you oil every few months in that case? Cheers :-D

  • #2
    I was speaking to the guys at John Parris ques yesterday and they recommend to linseed oil every 2 months.


    • #3
      I use Raw Linseed Oil . Spoke to Robert Osborne and he uses Boiled Linseed Oil .

      Hope this helps .

      Sorry just re - read the post ! I clean with a cloth everytime i play and dependant on use every 4 months oil the cue .

      Can ony enhance the wood and should not damage it at all .
      Last edited by Neil Taperell; 16 January 2011, 12:23 PM.
      Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


      • #4
        thanks for the advice ive got raw linseed oil so aslong as it dont damage the cue i will oil it every 3 or 4 months thanks


        • #5
          Originally Posted by centurysnooker View Post
          thanks for the advice ive got raw linseed oil so aslong as it dont damage the cue i will oil it every 3 or 4 months thanks
          I read on here a while back that 'over oiling' a cue can make the shaft look 'patchy'.

          My JP has a really old ash look about it and has become naturally dark. I use raw linseed oil twice a year. The butt has rosewood splices, but these can fade in colour depending on how much I play. I use oil on the lower splices 4-5 times a year.

          Boiled linseed is used by some people as it dries quicker. I prefer to use raw linseed oil and leave overnight.


          • #6
            With Raw or Boiled Linseed Oil do you guys Dilute it alittle or use it Straight out of the Bottle!!



            • #7
              I use raw linseed straight out the bottle

