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JP Cue Splitting???

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  • #16
    One of the causes of this is when players put theic cues away the chalk transfers onto the case lining and before you know it you have a few inches of chalk on it which goes onto the top of the cue and causes it to become dry .

    To prevent this , clean the lining of your case with a damp cloth and allow to dry . Then when you,ve finished your session slighty dampen your finger and rub the chalk off your tip or use something to cover it like a bank bag with an elastic band .

    This is a big problem with aluminium cases .
    Last edited by hotpot; 20 March 2011, 01:53 PM.


    • #17
      Originally Posted by Luke Hooper View Post

      maybe posting this thread is quite pointless but i feel the need to do something! haha any advice???? [/panic]
      While not practical, you could use this event as a reason to justify ordering your TW


      • #18
        could also be the way you're sanding the tip downwards, might be catching the wood without noticing


        • #19
          yeah its a possibility Mr O, however im usualy pretty anal over things like not sure, normally i use a small piece of sandpaper put my fingers round the tip and turn the cue to shave down the sides...then i just flatten the top using a block with sandpaper and going over the top of hte tip sideways (i know i probs shouldnt do that but none of my tips have failed thus far lol)]

          i think its more likely to tbe the aluminium case thats doing it, my case is covered in chalk on the inside....
          what a frustrating, yet addictive game this is....


          • #20
            I'd guess it's likely to be a 99% chance that there's nothing wrong with your cue.

            What you'll be seeing is typical for an ash cue, even one with with a really good finish. Ash has a fairly coarse texture to it, where the grain (or growth rings) are quite open and appear almost like cracks running throughout the timber. This is completely normal.
            The problem is that when a cue is finished, that open grain is often partly, or even almost completely, filled or clogged with finishing materials, such as grain fillers, sanding sealer, wax or even oils, which makes some parts look smooth and others not so. It will be these parts whch are not filled quite as much which give the illusion of cracking, when in fact there is absolutely nothing wrong with the shaft at all.

            If you took it to Mr Parris, he'll no doubt tell you the exact same thing.

            Relax and enjoy playing, your cue is fine.


            • #21
              Originally Posted by trevs1 View Post
              I'd guess it's likely to be a 99% chance that there's nothing wrong with your cue.

              What you'll be seeing is typical for an ash cue, even one with with a really good finish. Ash has a fairly coarse texture to it, where the grain (or growth rings) are quite open and appear almost like cracks running throughout the timber. This is completely normal.
              The problem is that when a cue is finished, that open grain is often partly, or even almost completely, filled or clogged with finishing materials, such as grain fillers, sanding sealer, wax or even oils, which makes some parts look smooth and others not so. It will be these parts whch are not filled quite as much which give the illusion of cracking, when in fact there is absolutely nothing wrong with the shaft at all.

              If you took it to Mr Parris, he'll no doubt tell you the exact same thing.

              Relax and enjoy playing, your cue is fine.
              im sure i just over reacted lol...panic begun to set in! im not sure what id do if my cue ever broke!! maybe i should take my cue in somewhere and get someone to make an exact replica just incase haha
              what a frustrating, yet addictive game this is....

